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Large Fey, Chaotic Neutral

Wrestling Tricksters of Chaos

Of the strange and chaotic creatures that vex mere mortals, the Dokkaebi stand out as masters of both magic and muscle. It is said that they are spirits born not from death or torment, but from inanimate objects. Tricksters by nature, Dokkaebi will seek out opportunities to use their gifts for whatever ends suit them. Some have a drive to bring riches and happiness, others to spread disease and disorder. Regardless of their goals, Dokkaebi are sure to bring chaos wherever they roam.

Unbeatable Grapplers

Dokkaebi are infamous for their skill in wrestling. Their imposing physique makes them intimidating foes in battle, and their pride would never allow them to back down from a one-on-one match. Once the Dokkaebi has you in its grasp, it is nearly impossible to escape without submitting, but some say that they are weak on their right sides.

Mischievous Magicians

Despite their stature and somewhat brutish appearance, Dokkaebi are talented spellcasters. They have been known to conjure riches for those they care for, spread disease with but a touch, or even turn invisible on command. Their most iconic magic is their blue flames, illuminating their foes or lighting them ablaze. Their massive Bangmangi, a spiked wooden club, functions as an unusual wand which can also be ignited in combat.

Gullible Gifters

While strong in both body and the arcane arts, Dokkaebi are not known for their intelligence. Their powers of conjuration have been known to be exploited by those who can outwit them. In one tale, a Dokkaebi intent on terrorizing a man asked him his greatest fear so it may conjure it, to which the clever man replied, “Gold.” The next day the man awoke surrounded by gold coins. Even when filled with malicious intent, a Dokkaebi may be tricked into aiding the target of its ire.

Heavy footfalls approach you as you steel your nerve. From within the forest, an imposing humanoid form immerges. It is tall as it is wide, with a frightening mask adorning its face, a hairy mane and arms, and a spiked club, slung over one shoulder and wreathed in blue flame. Its intent is unclear, approaching slowly and deliberately. Just as it gets close, you watch as the large being vanishes into thin air, as an impish chuckle echoes around you.



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