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Rod, rare (requires attunement)

A metallic rod topped with a round arcane circle of projection. This item can be used as a spellcasting focus.

Boosted Sound. While attuned to this item, when you deal damage with a spell that has vocal components, it deals additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 0).

Vocal Projection. While holding this item, you can speak into it to magically project your voice into the minds of all creatures within 100 feet of you. A creature shielded from effects that protect their mind (ex. The Mind Blank spell) cannot hear your voice. 

You can speak into this item this way for up to 1 hour, all at once or in several shorter bursts, each one using a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. This item regains 10 minutes of use for every 8 hours that it is not in use. 

What's the point of streaming if nobody's around to listen? And to get people's attention, you've got to GRAB HOLD of it and never let go! With the MAGNIFICENT MIC, my favorite broadcasting microphone on the market, you can ensure that everyone hears you loud and clear, whether they want to or not! And with enough time you're SURE to win them over and earn their hearts, so just keep at it no matter how much people complain. 

- Auren ”Princeton” Gold (Dragonborn Influencer)



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