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Wondrous item (flute), very rare (requires attunement)

A flute adorned with intricate carvings of marching rodents, perpetually sodden like driftwood from a river. This instrument can be used as a spellcasting focus. 

Mountain Door. While attuned to this flute, once per short or long rest you can cast the Dimension Door spell without expending a spell slot by playing this instrument. If you cast the Dimension Door spell while attuned to this item you can bring along another additional willing creature if they are within 5 feet of you when you cast the spell (for a total of 3 creatures including yourself).

Follow Me. As an action you can play notes that charm and beguile those around you. You can target up to a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier within 60 feet of you with this property. Those creatures must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw where the DC is equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier. If you have proficiency with flutes or pan flutes you can add your proficiency bonus to the DC. On a failed save the creature is charmed by you for 10 minutes and spends their turns attempting to get as close to you as possible, ignoring any potential dangers in their path. Each time the target takes damage, it repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. 

You can use this property twice per long rest. 

Turn Aside (requires attunement by a bard). As an action you can spend a Bardic Inspiration die to command a creature charmed by the Follow Me property as though they were under the effects of the Dominate Monster spell until the end of your turn. The creature adds the spent Bardic Inspiration die to its first attack roll or ability check it makes this turn. 

Following the tragedy of that fateful night, the town fell to ruin. Distraught and furious parents alike spent their lives seeking out the man who had robbed them of their family, forgetting their greed and trickery was truly to blame. They never did find the piper, or any of the children for that matter, as his ways were mysterious and beyond them. And even if they did, who could stand against him and his musical commands?



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