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Armor (shield), rare

A former bowl large enough to be held as a shield adorned with the design of a family of bears that all vary in size.

Too Big. Too Small. As a bonus action you can have this shield change to one of the following forms:

  • Baby. This shield attaches to your arm and does not need to be held in your hand. You can use your shield arm hand to wield any weapon that has the light property. If you use a bonus action to change this shield from this form into another form while your shield arm hand is occupied, nothing happens.
  • Mama. You gain a +2 bonus to your AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.
  • Papa. This shield becomes a wall of massive bowls that is 5 feet tall and 15 feet wide centered on you, providing you and creatures directly behind the wall with cover. While holding on to this item your movement drops to 0 and you have advantage on saving throws against being moved against your will. If you let go of the shield or are moved more than 5 feet from the shield, it immediately returns to its Mama form.

Goldilocks' pickiness persisted long after that fateful day, well into her adulthood and beyond. Should come as no surprise then that even in her choice of weaponry and armor the lady could rarely be satisfied upon first attempt, leading to a shield of her own creation that suited her mood no matter the situation.

Whatever she wanted, she would have. Too big? Too small? Never again. Always just right.



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