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Hey everyone! It's been quite a while since the last time I posted on Patreon. The blog has had a few update posts since then as well, but nothing too major has been going on...

Some of you may have taken the recent end-of-year poll that was featured on the front page of Catbox for a while, and one of the questions was "On a scale of 1-10, would a paid subscription plan granting access to additional features interest you? (replacing Patreon)". Based on the responses I got to that question, there was a pretty clear majority not interested in a paid subscription plan - however there was still a bit that were interested.

Since this directly relates to you guys, I figured it'd be best to directly poll you all and get your opinions on the matter.

Would you be interested in a monthly reoccurring subscription alternative to Patreon, which granted access to additional features, including possibly: 

  • a custom subdomain for your files; 
  • up to 500 MB upload (100 GB of space for uploads larger than 200 MB); 
  • password protected files; 
  • management of Litterbox files

Pricing would be somewhere between $7 to $12, but I am open to hearing what price points you all would think is appropriate.

Please feel free to comment below, and I will answer any questions or concerns. Note that nothing will change in the immediate future - this is just a public (private I guess) opinion poll. Catbox will remain free and user supported, as it has for the last 7 years.



At $1/month I feel a bit like a freeloader with the space I'm using, but $7/month is too much without some set amount of space and better file management.


I think I'd be interested if you got more money from an alternative platform but I don't really think I'd personally want much more in features

pomegranate horsie

If you’re looking to get a higher revshare then I know kofi is basically the best in the market right now for that, it’s just lacking uhh… any useful api for actually provisioning rewards, so that would have to be manual. It might make sense to go with something like that, maybe not. It definitely depends on what the cost is and how much you value your time.