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Hey everyone. It's been a pretty tough week - but everything is okay!

As some of you might have noticed, Catbox was a little wonky last week, and that's because I finally switched us over to my own hardware. In a data center. In LA. So besides the fact that on the Monday I drove into downtown LA, circled around the building for about 20 minutes trying to find a spot to park, saw someone push their's dog's poo into the street with a stick, paid $3.50 to park anyway, walked across the street, and delivered the server, it was pretty smooth! A little hiccup involving the boot loader delayed the actual switch-over until Wednesday, and a couple of you managed to upload some files on the old server during the switch, but as of right now, Catbox is 100%!

I switched web server software as well to Nginx for performance reasons. I won't detail them here, but tl;dr Nginx serves static content better than Apache. The only downside is the configuration is a little bit tougher. You'll notice a couple funny things, like only being logged in for 2~ hours, or albums might have a different look. Those should be ironed out by the end of the week.

The greatest part about this is that I managed to get a great deal with a provider, at only $79/month. Their support is amazing too, even with me kinda blundering into their building with my hardware. This means that more of the Patreon money can go towards a reserve account I've made for Catbox, in case of any unforeseen expenditures. 

Again, I love your guys' support, and hope to make Catbox something that everyone can enjoy, while keeping it easy and free. Your support on Patreon means a lot to me! And for my NEET brethren, just get the word out! If your friends are still using Imgur, tell them about how they compress your images to hell and back. If they use Mixtape, well, they're no friends of mine! 


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