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Doing something new I think will be much better to use. For each card I will give my lock of the card and underdog of the card. Along with that I will also give my favorite prop and parlay piece of each card. I'm not a pro nor do I even make these bets myself so follow at your own risk. These odds I'm using are on BetOnline.

Lock of the Night

Pat Sabatini (-187) Vs. Damon Jackson

-187 isn't the best line but I think he should at least be a +250 favorite here. Jackson is a veteran and isn't really given enough credit. Saying that, he's gotten a lot of favorable fights. Dan Argueta, Kamuela Kirk, and Charles Rosa isn't anywhere near the fighter or the wrestler Sabatini is. Jackson has been overpowering those guys and winning with wrestling, control, and gas tank. Sabatini is the better wrestler and if striking is needed he's the better striking in this one.


Dog of the Night

Sara McMann (+131) Vs. Aspen Ladd

I hate even suggesting betting on WMMA but McMann is the dog I see winning. McMann is hard to trust being so up and down in her career. She's been up and down but Ladd has just been down. She's looked awful her last two fights not looking herself at all. It's more of a fade on Ladd but if McMann fights to her best abilities I strongly favor her.


Prop of the Night

Joseph Pyfer in Round 1 by KO/TKO or DQ at +240

Pyfer is a -500 favorite against Alen Amedovski. Although I'm not sold on Pyfer everyone is aware that Amedovski is one of the worst fighters on the roster. He's chinny, takedown defense sucks, and just all-around better. All he has is early knockout power. Pyfer has bricks in her hands and I even think he can wrestle and pound out Amedovski early. 


Parlay of the Card

Pat Sabatini + Chidi Nkokuani at +173

I'm most confident in Sabatini as I explained above. I am fairly sure Nkokuani wins as well. Rodrigues would worry me more in that fight if he actually used that grappling. He likes to stand and trade and go to war and that's a mistake against Chidi. Chidi has never been knocked out and Rodrigues has. Rodrigues is chinny and striking defense he basically throws out the window. Speed, technique, power, and durability should be enough for Chidi "Bang Bang"



Kyle Floryan

The leech to win by sub is +900. Juicy for this fight hitting the ground eventually


Yeah, that is a good line but I just can't see him submitting Pat.