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Hey there, first of all I wish you all a happy easter.
I´m very grateful for all of your support and it means a lot to me and I literally can survive because of you guys, each bit makes a big difference in my current situation. <3  
Just wanted to tell you that I´m happy about each one of you.
I also apprecieate all the likes under my posts, comments, direct messages and all of that :)   

One thing I do a bit less these days are 3D Render images.
The reason is that I prefer doing full animations or spend more time on my drawings instead of 3D Renders.
I can spend more time on these then which also is more fun to me :)

I want to open a discord server soon with benefits for you.
Just need to figure out a bit of stuff there, because I´m not so used to discord haha.  ^^

And here the rough Godzilla sketch after I watched the movie again yesterday :D
Think it catches the mood of the movie pretty well. ^^
I also looked up at some pics of the animated Zilla series and tried to do a mix between their designs ^^

Jagras is probably coming tomorrow ;)

Well thank you again and I hope you have a great weekend. <3



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