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And here it is! After giving it some thought and the motivation from a few supporters, I've decided to open up the sketch tier entirely, rather than to leave it restricted for only 4 people.

What does this mean? Well, it is simple. I want to get sketching ideas from more people, to get more variety to the montly sketches.

Now now, while the number of montly sketches will still be limited to four per month, as I don't want to run out of room for other projects, this also mean other things.

-For one part, people taking the tier will enter a rotating list, that will guarante you will get a sketch when the time is due. For exemple, if right now 4 people means each one gets a sketch montly, having 8 would mean each would get a sketch every  two months.

-For the second part, as I understand decreasing the frequency for one to get a sketch may be an issue, the plan with this is not only to bring more variety, but to also potentially increase the quality and complexities of sketches. Right now I try to keep them rather simple, but if more people are investing in this tier, the room for variety and quality will increase as well (maybe to a point where calling them sketches may be a bit odd, who knows =P).

And well, this is mostly it! Once again, this is kinda experimental, and I want to see how this goes. One can't tell without trying!

Thank you all for the support so far! ^^


Señor Sanchez

Much appreciated, many thanks!