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We finally play Fallout 1 and explore it's Themes such as The importance of having a PhD in sports science and why a Spooky aesthetic is Good. Going back to Vegas next.

This unlocks for everyone in a few hours.

VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izb5tv9bfSU&ab_channel=Warlockracy




Fallout 1 is my favorite of the classic games, I love how quick and to the point it is, I beat the game in under 20 hours and I dicked around a lot. While fallout 2 is more of the best of fallout 1, I just prefer the first


is there a link to the design document for Fallout: Sonora, in English? Interested in the author's design philosophy vs something like New Vegas.


In English, no. But the originals are here: https://fallout-nevada.ucoz.ru/index/fallout_sonora/0-59

Jade Illusion

This video is absolutely amazing holy shit.. THANK YOU your sense of humor is perfect