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Time to level up 



Andrew Schulz

i am very happy you're watching ex-aid it was the second rider show i got my friend into after gaim and she loves it, i did vote for this one, while i do like zero-one as well it has its issues in the middle of that series and also because that's when covid hit towards the end of the series so they had to shutdown shooting for a while. they were not given any additional time to do all the episodes they wanted to do so they had to shorten it. as such it can feel rushed at the end and plans changed. ex-aid is a very good series and i think you missed counting the riders in the opening :P

Andrew Schulz

something to take note of since you are watching an older series with everything already out and subbed you can watch all the specials and movies when they happen in the timeline, not like you had to with geats watching a movie that took place at the start of the series, near the end of it