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Seeing TMNT with cleaning supplies is something we never knew we needed to see. But we're glad we did lol



Brianda Sandoval

Yeah I feel you guys, Casey and April were used far more effectively in this series than in 2012 because they're not forcibly shoved in every single narrative where they don't belong. Of course they have to be with them in the farm arc because the house belongs to either Casey or April and they all escaped the foot and Kraang so it made sense for them to be with the turtles in that arc. Both Casey and April are used sporadically in this series so neither overstays their welcome and when they are used for the plot they're not wasted or forcibly inserted into storylines. Having April in 2012 be a human/mutant hybrid was a pretty inspired idea on paper; the problem is instead of making her relatable or giving her qualities that make her likable the writers harped on the idea that because of her unique DNA that would be enough for the audience to buy why the turtles think so highly of her that they'll protect her with their lives or that Donny likes her just because she's the first girl he saw. That's why they took her dad not once but twice out of the story just to forcibly have her be with the turtles all the time. Then once the third and fourth seasons rolled around and they started focusing more on the mutants than the Kraang her character hit a snag and the writers didn't know what to do except make her the worst kind of Mary Sue by basically turning her into Jean Gray from X-men she even has the red hair and turning evil storyline. I'm convinced the showrunner wanted the turtles to have their own teen female sidekick with superpowers and just slapped the name April O'Neil onto her because while she may have started off as April that's not how she ended. I know this was a long rant because while I love the 2012 show and Splinter and the turtles were done right, April and Casey were done so dirty although Casey's main problem as a character was we didn't really get to know much about who he is as a person outside of when he's with the turtles. I mean we never met his family once and supposedly that was the main reason he became a vigilante to protect them.