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Ryu decided to pull up!



I had been waiting for this. For me, I like the way they are showing Takeru’s growth in him slowly beginning to open up a bit more to the others. So far, he has gone from not wanting anyone else to have to join the fight against the Corrupt Ones (idk how to spell out their Japanese name with English letters), and almost straight up pushing them away, to now relying on them more and being a bit more receptive to them. Also, how he got through to the old man that even though his teaching methods may work on Takeru and Ryunnosuke (probably messed that up), he would need a different approach to help get through to Chiaki. Can’t wait to see Takeru’s that relationship with the others and vice versa grow!

Big Boda

I love you guys commentatry and jokes. i've watched shinkenger twice and this is one of the toku shows where the characters words are important so its easy to miss key story parts when you guys are joking while the characters talk. The reason Jii brought Chiaki to the woods is because that is his Scryptomancy Element of Wood and you can see Leaves flying when Chiaki attacks. Shinkenger shows special promos for its Movie and crossovers during the intro song and outro its another show that changes intros during the season. there is a crossover with Kamen Rider Decade coming up in a few episodes. In the future with shinkenger it would be great if you guys let the next episode previews play that comes on after the ending song. it shows whats important to look out for in the next episode.

Big Boda

early in episode 10 they showed artwork of a phoenix which would later be the combined mecha form for chiaki, takeru and ryunosuke together.


Lol man we're at the point to where we're waiting for you to tell us to shut up. Admittedly we tend to play things up for laughs but we follow what the characters are saying. We knew that Chiaki was brought to the forest to better get in tune with his scryptomancy element. I just kinda ham it up to lighten the mood. I'm here for the requests and criticisms but it's kinda making us not look forward to watching the show anymore because we feel like we're walking in eggshells and doing your recommended show a disservice

Big Boda

haha its all good when the episodes end i like your summaries its great to see that you guys were keeping track of what happened in the episodes. whichever shows you guys like reacting to is fine no need to go out of your way for me. at the end of the seasons there is a special sentai handoff where the red leader passes the torch to the next season's red. toku puts easter egg bonus features like that for viewers that watch shows to completion. one of the ending theme songs is sang by the shinkenger cast. not sure which episode or movie it is though.

Big Boda

haha your reply reminded me of jii and chiaki im coming to realize that reaction videos are a skill and its possible to pay attention while making content. i just come from that old pre netflix era of watching quietly.


We wanna go out of our way for the Tier 3s man. You're a paying customer. I'm not gonna lie by the second episode I was a little frustrated with the website because the video kept stopping on us. Lol which is ironic because we mention the scryptomancy element during the time I'm trying to get the video to play. But I just edited those parts out to help the video flow better.