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There's always a prick who's ready to ruin it all


Jorden Gonzalez (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-11 13:44:24 You know, you should really be watching the opening. It changes whenever someone is eliminated.
2023-01-05 18:50:12 You know, you should really be watching the opening. It changes whenever someone is eliminated.

You know, you should really be watching the opening. It changes whenever someone is eliminated.

Big Boda

Did cuz just skip the Opening??? Huh? They put details when someone dies and other easter eggs in the opening...bro cmon


That's my fault. My wife isn't too keen on OPs due to things potentially getting spoiled or it becoming repetative so I usually skip after the first watch. But if you guys are insisting we watch all the way through for each episode then we'll do it. Just go easy on us. We don't know these things in advance or that you're invested in that particular aspect.