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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan this is dope!!!!



Thanks for the reaction! Now the seriousness will take a backseat for a while, as usual. These arcs are amazing, but there will be times where you want to watch the show because of the comedy as we're going closer to the HD Gintama. 16:9 will be around ep 200, but that alone breathes a whole new life into the show. Jokes will be funnier and more understandable for western viewers, the animation becomes much cleaner and the drama will be heavier. Still, it retains most of its goofy whacky humor, you cannot escape from that, but in a much better and even wilder form. Although I liked Gintama at this point where you guys at, I started to seriously love it when the show left the 4:3 ratio behind. Anyway, I cannot wait for further episodes.


YEEES THIS ARC WAS SO LIT!!! I was fucking HYPED bruh when i first watched this XD. Trust me it only gets Hyper fam! It’s one of the MANY things that I love about Gintama. It’s so silly and comical but when shit gets serious, it Pops off like HAAARD. Also speaking of Gintama i’m almost caught up with you guys on it lol next is D. Gray Man. I HAD to comment here when i saw the post because I knew exactly what episodes these were lmao