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I forgot to comment on this, lol But I thought that this was a fine little tribute, just showing Jan past the end of his arc. We'll let the show get to it, but at this point he's a full master. You can tell by the fact that this time, *he's* the one ringing the triangle. ...But fuck the guy who did the music in this episode for not adding a Geki-ranger song during the battle. xD It's like one of the only tributes that doesn't get a song from their own series, so it just bothers me. They put in the full gas in the tributes after this. As for the purple and white ranger... Well, you'll see their deal in Gekiranger. Do you have any guesses on their personality? I won't confirm or deny anything, but I'm curious if you've had any thoughts on what they'd be like. I don't think I'm collecting any more ranger keys(I only have one set) to my collection, but I made sure to get the Gekiranger set of Ranger Keys.