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  • Faucet_Face I'M GONNA M◯◯M!!! - Na●●shi Mu●●i WIP Vid 2.mp4



A large bulk of the animation is finished now!

the facial expressions are still mostly rough, as I wanted to try a slightly different approach to see if it would be faster. I was able to get a nice draft faster, but the transition to expressions isn't ideal right now. alot of small adjustments are needed.

There is still one additional scene, and 1-2 short additional scenes I would like to make! 

I can render out quick test renders faster with most finalized settings enabled, and can very easily see problems now with no time loss!

There are some adjustments I have to manually fix (mainly the elbows) and then I'll work on adding the outfit! 

thank you very much for your support!

the rigging for these scenes shown today is actually very complex and uses alot of things i've learned from previous projects, with some new techniques that I had to come up with myself!

I'm very proud of how easy it is to get the very complex movements shown today, I will work on pushing it as far as possible!

I cannot estimate a release date, because I have no idea how much faster every step will be now thanks to new pc! If it's possible, I will try my hardest to release before the end of the month!




Only gets me more pumped for release!! Full-mouth Def a fav


did you mean to include a video in this post? theres a censored version on twitter so im not sure (unless i'm blind)---either way looking forward to it!


it's the file attatched at the bottom maybe one day Patreon will have proper video previews....


How's the work going?


I did post an update a while ago because I found a way to solve some issues i've had with dynamic paint, which I have wanted to add for a long time https://twitter.com/Faucet_Face/status/1735501081243680979/video/1 I have been experimenting with some new solutions because apparently this only solved one problem for me, and getting desired results still takes a little big more thinking than i thought it would tl;dr working on realistic ass jiggles + simulation collisions because it's possible now with new pc to trial and error much faster now but also i genuinely forgot about holidays and spent the past week with family and friends