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  • Faucet_Face I'm gonna NUTRyS WIP Vid 32.mp4



Sorry for no updates recently!


I won't give an ETA on a release date yet. My predictions are always very inaccurate! I would like to not get your hopes up only to be let down!


I am currently experimenting with additional camera angles, there are still some issues you can probably see in the video!


There are details I would like to add and am still working on! I have come across alot of annoyances that stop me from working to solve technical issues... Maybe I will document mind numbing problems more in the future so other artists can learn from me. If it is requested enough!


Working in 3D ends up being alot more of solving issues rather than actually creating. It is very annoying sometimes...


I feel that I've cut corners in the past and never really give enough thought into how to truly improve my animations further. Taking time to learn a new 3D software made me remember the joy of learning and it's made me think a little more from an outside perspective on some habits i've had. I am working on improving some skills that will hopefully help with future projects!




TJ Elliott

If you want to keep sending us little teasers of naked Irys, I will wait forever lol :)


Just dropping by to see if there was any update you could give on the Irys vid. No rush. I know what its like when people try to give you deadlines (including the self-imposed ones, sometimes those are the worst 🤣 ). Just curious/anxious.


I can post an updated preview soon. most likely within a week I have been spending most of my time learning new software and trying to create a nut simulation asset that I can use in this project and future projects. It is kinda hard to show progress, since it is going at a snails pace, but I did post this recently https://x.com/Faucet_Face/status/1798103675833057572/video/1 I am making everything from scratch, but hopefully i'll finish with a result that can be seamlessly used later on. If what I make is good enough, I will probably also list the nut asset for others to use so less people have to go through the effort i went through to avoid Blender's ass simulations


Hey, no worries. Post when you're ready. The previews you've given us up to this point have been fantastic. So far I really think its your best work yet, and that's saying something since your previous works up to this point have been pretty amazing too. Not to mention, as a Takodachi, saying any of your videos are better than your Ina video...had to put aside some bias to get that outta me. 😂 Jokes aside, if just the little we've seen in the previews is any indication of what you can make when you have more time - brother, take all the time you need. Sidebar: That simulation vid you posted on twitter...damn. Houdini really is like magic. (Sorry, I had to. I did mention being a Takodachi! 😂🐙)


This is looking like it might be one of the best ones yet