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So, I'm finishing off a commission, and I'm going to get over 100 bucks for it, which is double what I get on Patreon doing the monthly stories. So I think I'm going to remove the $3 and $7 tiers and keep the $1 early access tier. And between commissions, I can either: write some short stories like Orders are Orders or Happy Father's Day that I come up with, you could suggest some of these smaller story ideas (beyond a pairing, just a simple thing of what the context to the situation should be), or Patrons can get priority notice of my free slots and commission something themselves. But if I do eventually get around 100 bucks a month from Patreon backers alone, I could do the monthly stories again and bring back the previous tiers. As well as possibly giving $1 members one vote and increasing $3 and $7 by one each too.

If you want to help out, just give me your thoughts on the changes in comments or DMs. If you don't want to verbally say anything, but you support the idea, you can also like the post.

I don't want to alienate you all who are fans enough of my work to come and pay money to see it, I want to get your feedback if you are willing to give it. I'm open to ideas of alternative routes I could take.


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