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What's up guys, here's the Special Edition exclusive for $10+ supporters.

Download 1 (swf) | Download 2 (rar) | Download 3 (swf) | Download 4 (zip) | Code: dream

A bonus scene featuring a new legendary Pussymon is available, after unlock it in the cheat manager just click in the "!" spot in area 02 to start the event.




can someone help a computer noob like me and tell me how I can start the game


Depending on witch system you're using you can either download "swf player" for windows, don't know if it's any good because I'm a Mac user and with that I use "Elmedia player" (free). After downloading and installing one of these you can download the .swf files and open them using either SWF - or Elmedia Player. Good luck


So this is kind of a weak Episode there dont seem to be any sidequests and there are only 5 pussymon wich makes this Episode quick to end


episode 66 wasn't much longer, shame. I'm curious how long episode 69 will be.


Same usually after short episodes like this a longer one comes so im hyped


That's right, guys. When I bring a small episode is because I'm already working on the next one (which is a bigger one). I've been doing this in the previous releases: 66 was smaller, 67 was bigger, this one was smaller, episode 69 will be another bigger one with lots of new content.


Thanks for the reply, Wolf. Kalindor, you can find the adobe player by searching for "flash player offline" on Google. Let me know if you still need help, also feel free to PM me at anytime.


Nice looking forward to it hope theres a 69 position for the lols

Benjamin Rørvik

How can i play when adobe flash player is no more and none of the other files will not work


Hey, man. I was sure all this Flash thing wouldn't be so bad, but looks like I was wrong. There are still some ways to make Flash files work but I'm not sure if it will work for everyone. I'm already aware that just like you, some people aren't being able to play Flash files anymore, but don't worry, I'm already working to bring the Pussymon Project to another file format. I also gonna bring all the content from previous episodes to the new files. I'm already checking other software, but I just need a few more time to find the one that will better fit to the Pussymon Project. I'm gonna bring another post talking about it and about the upcoming updates at the beginning of the next month. I also made two posts talking about some ways you can still play Flash files for now: https://www.patreon.com/posts/just-note-46376711 and https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-talk-about-46410083 Give it a try, maybe one of the suggestions I've added in these posts work for you as worked for some other supporters (Check the comments too, some supporters also found other ways to make it work). With all said, don't worry, there's yet much more to come in the Pussymon Project and I'll make sure it works for everyone again soon. If you had any questions or if you need help with the suggestions I added in the posts feel free to PM me at anytime.