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Hey peeps!

Wanted to drop an update before I head to Japan for two weeks.  I'll be back in the beginning of December, so the posts you'll see are scheduled! Like I mentioned earlier, I'll be taking my sketchbook and watercolors, so I'll tackle of the requests while I'm there and share what I draw when I get back. :]

Each bullet point here is a project I'm working on, for your convenience. 

Anyway! I've included some of the boards I've done for BB3 (the ones I enjoy the most so far before we get to any spoiler expansion shots) . I enjoy the variety in angles that this has over BB2. It'll be nice to have Cavitees able to match my angles so closely with all the modeling we did for the game. (Added the previous concepts and intro storyboards, which is completed, for those who haven't been around that long)

• That being taken care of, I'd like to also note that the SophiaxAutumn animation is being handed off to the person I'm trying to have on for coloring. It's exciting to be able to have that done while I'm out. Cavitees has also been given notes for background so that should be good to go when I get back. It won't be long after that, that I can put that out in December. 

• Another project was the Sophia GTS growth/ass expansion short that I wanted to knock out in December. It didn't need much more when I paused it, so at worst it will be done the first week of January. But that'll be nice to get out.

To be honest, I was so hesitant to really commit to BB3 since Twitter went downhill, because it's really tanked my reach with large projects... But I've since spread out to Itaku and Bluesky, and I feel like it will be okay to get something as large as BB3 back in full swing. So my apologies for the hold up, and thank you for your patience.

• Another animation is the Totally Spies BBB. That same colorist I'm setting up is going to tackle that as well, so it'll be getting done in the background while I complete my work in December. Not much to say on it. It'll be hot and straight forward.

• An animation that I paused back in March, the Edwardian GTS project that I lost steam on, will also be resumed in January. I'm eager to get back on it, since I've not done Edwardian in so long. It'll be really nice to animate it again. That one I'm working on alone, so it takes longer. But just to keep you posted. :)

• All of these sketches/watercolor concepts have been for a Nyuru series. So that'll be getting laid out further over the next few months now that I'm storyboarding it and getting together VA/SFX/OST for it. Really looking forward to that one. It's a long term project, but it'll be the best thing I've ever put out when it's released.

• I don't know if I mentioned here, but we're working on a spanking game for Sophia for the BangoHouse website. We'll also be handing it out for free as thanks to everyone supporting the game. It'll be up on the website, and Steam when it's done. It's a simple clicker game and you can see Sophia's ass get slapped in as she gets all worked up. :p

• The Yor JOI is currently in limbo. I can show you guys the animatic for it, but I found it was too long for the amount of work I wanted to put in. We can eventually have a vote whether or not you guys want a full animation, or an animatic style/cleaned up version, since the focus IS the JOI audio. Please let me know below if you'd like to see that rough animatic.

• The Headspace animation with Chris and mGTS Eli is being paused until we can figure out a pipeline for it. Hollewdz was going to clean it up for me, but that's turned out not to be an option for now. My apologies for the inconvenience. 

Anyway. I realized I hadn't made an update in a while. My apologies for that. It's been a long couple months, but I'm turning it around. Hence I'm so eager for the next two months. :]

Let me know how you feel about all of this, since you guys are the ones funding all of it! Look forward to hearing from you.




Have fun in Japan these look awesome and I can’t wait to see your watercolor work again!


It looks like we have a lot to look forward to.