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Just wanted to share a snippet that I just really enjoyed. I didn't want to give the whole shot because I wanted to leave a little to the imagination. But I thought you guys might like to know that this is one of the few shots left before I move onto BGs. I have one file left to color and then I can focus on the final leg of the process.

 This is exciting. Just wanted to keep everyone posted before we got to November. 




That ass eating shot took 7 hours to do. I spent all day on the full version... :) Edit: That's 7 hours, not counting the 3 I put into it yesterday,


Oh no, the tablet has gotten sentient and is spreading the horny to everyone, i can live with this


Looks amazing!


I feel like you managed to show us a lot of what’s to come but at the same time, showed us so very little. I think that’s amazing in of itself! I’m looking forward to this one!

Captain gripper

There is some paranormal activity coming from that tablet. Think you are gonna need to call the SUPER ghost busters for that


It's my favourite part about animating and also having a large project. I have a lot to show and the various steps make it interesting to watch but don't give a lot away. Thank you for the compliment.


Gin looks pissed


Looking amazing keep up the good work


I thought that it was a vagina lick scene. It looks great.


We're getting so close to the release that I can hardly contain myself. Looking forward to it


The dedication you have on making fantastic art for the people is astounding. If I had just a tenth of your work ethic, I would have gotten all of my projects done.


“Care to explain Egon?” “Best I can deduce is we have some very very very out of control sexually aroused supernatural forces on our hands.”

Scooter Tahusky

I can not overstate how hyped I am to see the final product. 🥰🥰🥰

green jeff

how is it going now?