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Barista 2 Update. June 17th, 2022 Surprise Poll for Completion (whoops in advance)

  • I want to wait for the full 13 minutes of animation. 1284
  • I want to see the first 5 minutes, without the Sophia scenes/ending. 124
  • I do not care. 82
  • 2022-06-17
  • 1490 votes
{'title': 'Barista 2 Update. June 17th, 2022 Surprise Poll for Completion (whoops in advance) ', 'choices': [{'text': 'I want to wait for the full 13 minutes of animation.', 'votes': 1284}, {'text': 'I want to see the first 5 minutes, without the Sophia scenes/ending.', 'votes': 124}, {'text': 'I do not care.', 'votes': 82}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 17, 12, 29, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1490}


Hey there, peeps.

Yeah so I'll just get right into it.

I finally was able to put together a rough cut of the animation, using what I have roughed/inked. Good news! There are only 19 shots left that haven't been touched! Also good news, I've lined up two background artists to actually help me complete BGs while I'm wrapping up animation. It's a huge help. Also good news, I've contacted a number of animators who voiced their interest in helping me finish what shots are left and cleaning up what is roughed out. Thank you everyone for recommending animators, it was very helpful. <3

I'll be able to start handing out shots to them now that the rough cut is done and I have the clarity to start knocking the list out.

Bad news. But I guess good news depending on where your priorities are. I thought the animation was going to be around 7 and a half minutes long. I added everything up, and this is without the two scenes I have of various size/expansion shots with three main characters. The animation is coming out to around 13 and a half minutes long. With the extra scenes/shots it could come to around 14 to 15 minutes.

This is obviously a shit ton of work that I did not see coming when I storyboarded this thing out. So my apologies for not seeing that previously.

That being said, I am still very happy with how much work has gotten done and the efforts people are putting in to help. What's gotten done is some fantastic work. It's just fucking long. Haha.

So let's have a vote. I think it will take two months to wrap up this work and have a 13 to 15 minutes animation. Do you want the animation in two parts? The second half is a lot of shortstack/lesbian/petplay stuff and then the Sophia scenes. So you would have to wait for those parts and the final part, obviously.

You could have the first part in a month (about 5 minutes of animation) or you could wait for the full thing in about two months. Let me know what you'd like. I'm lining up animators to help anyway so it's smooth sailing now that we have a rough cut.

I would like to put everything out together, obviously. I didn't write in for it to be two parts, and it would suck to have to have a half ass launch after all this effort. But it's your money, so you get to decide. Thank you for your patience thus far. The animation has been great thus far.

PS: Totally Spies animation just got voice recorded for it so we're close to finishing that! :)

And now for some screenshots. SPOILERS>



Again, the longer the wait time is, the sweeter it's gonna be when BB2 releases


I understand it's a lot of work, but I do prefer "part 2" over "part 2-1".


I think he means he'd prefer the full thing instead of "Episode 2, part 1"


Sorry. I didn't mean for that to not make sense... I'm saying I want it to be the full 13 minutes rather than spilt into parts, but that's still up to you.


I would rather wait three months for the full thing that you are happy with. Glad to hear everything is coming together but would rather wait for a top tier tailblazer than something you aren’t happy with!


Would rather you take your time and make it the best that it is. But my goodness, you’re really good at keeping the content a secret! The anticipation is murder but I know this will be your best work yet so that wait will be worth it!


I to rather see full completed


Holy shmoly. A 13 minute episode? That's like... a full length cartoon episode on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. Except this DEFINITELY ISN'T FOR KIDS. Tail you could totally commit to an animated series if you had a dedicated crew of animators to help you churn episodes out in a reasonable amount of time. Of course that would involve you working constantly and you would probably go insane. I choose to be happy with the 13 minute expandathon we'll be receiving come August


Definitely rather wait for the finished article

Ryan IF

It has Sophia. I'll wait as long as it takes.


honestly even tho im impatient i rather wait two months for the full product than see it rushed plus well a longer animation would allow everything to play out better. So two months so it be in September i see.


Bruh. Take your time. Make it quality. Rushing does not get results. Take breaks and work on it when you feel better.