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EDIT: If you notice the video has reached its download limit, let me know below. I'm trying to find a better system, but I'll just refresh the link for now! Also apparently if you do Incognito Mode, they don't work! Worse case scenario just wait until tomorrow or however long is left on the links to refresh.

It's finally here. 

I've worked out a number of the issues with it, and it's finally complete. Thanks to everyone who was so patient and supportive since I began this project in May. It's been a long wait, I know, but I hope it's to your liking.

Do let me know what you like and don't like about the animation. Thank you kindly for watching. Y'all have a lovely evening! I'm going to go drink! <3

Try literally any of these. lol

Mega Link 




"DAMN GURL, YOU A FREAK" 10/10 script writing

Bobby Bob

Say's I cant access it :(

gallidom gallade

Note it says I have request access


Says request access


I need to request access


Says access blocked


Same with me requesting I have never clicked so fast

Jack Summer

Tail come back from your drink we can't access!

Kale Azura

We can't access it




Can't access it :(


Don't know what to tell yall. I literally just tested it with Holly to make sure it worked. It's not done this before. I'll look into it.. It's set to public.

Bobby Bob

Come on Tail!! I've been refreshing nonstop to gain access :(((


Same with me, I send a request so I cab access but idk


It's working now

Jack Summer

Works now. Here we go!


Lol it says I need access as well

Bobby Bob

That was AMAZING!!!


I need access to see it:/


Amazing! Fantastic! You go through all that hard work and it definitely paid off. But why did you make it a to be continued if the first part was stressful enough?


Coming from someone who has dated a barista this is exactly how it works~


I have no idea why it's letting some people see it but not other people..??


fantastic job, Tail! This is *so* worth the wait!


this is a certified hood classic


it let me in now


Amazing work

Benjamin Sharpton

Ik I seemed a little impatient before. Just normally things didn't take this long and didn't think you would fully make it. But besides that whole thing. Love it, exactly what I was hopeing for. Mean was thinking more facesitting but, in the end this was great. Can wait for you to do more.


Worth the wait!!!

The Six-Gun Gorilla

Let’s assume that the tablets used are iPad Pros. Those are about 2-ish thousand CAD. Okay here is the plan, me and the boys we see the commotion and we pounce. We bolt inside while everyone is distracted and steal all of tablets and dive through and open window onto the street. Keeping our momentum, we run over to our car. Take the tablets home, wipe their memory, and sell them on EBay for a profit. With the money we take a trip to Mexico.

Raymond Daniels

Damn Tail, you a freak! Anyways I loved the animation, keep up the excellent work you've been doing!


Because a part 2 would be a lot easier, and it'd be nice to ride that out.


This was fucking incredible That blue ball ending tho Need to see whats going down in that room

K Michael

Well done! Currently the best expansion fetish video out PERIOD. Looking forward to a part 2!(if you're gonna do one)

Ryan IF

This did not disappoint 👏 11/10! Also Sophia!!!!


brooooooo this is amazing!!!!

Ice King Nexion

Absolute fucking gold! 100% worth the wait.

Jack Summer

That's your best animation yet. Smashed it out of the park. Also, was that a madsisstacked cameo?


Damn girl u a freak😂😂


holy fuck, that might be one of the best mini-gts/expansion animations ever made, good lord


Holy cow, that was so friggen good dude!


So worth the wait, jeeeeeeeeesus. Really hoping for more Eli f/f stuff later on. So, so good


Absolute God-Tier content. Nothing but the best, from nothing but the best.


this is fantastic!!!


ofc the second i see that it was posted my roommate walks through the damn door😞




Excellence often takes time. This instance is no exception &amp; it was more than worth the wait! Best Chrimbus present I’m sure to receive this year. One thousand signs gratitude to yourself &amp; the other wonderfully talented people who brought such an amazing &amp; ambitious erotic creative endeavor to life. From that first spark of inspiration to the last foley recordings &amp; frames of animation. You’re the best, Tail. 💖


Ok that was hot good job as always

Benjamin Sharpton

Love it. Wish was a little more to the face sitting that girl, but loved it, worth the wait. Which by the way sorry for seeming impatient, just didn't think it would ever get done. Took longer then normal. But great outcome with it.

Tom Sketchit

Fuck yeah, more than worth the wait!


since you asked for comments on it, i'll give you my thoughts. i think the animation itself is perfect, definitely worth the wait. the audio effects were pretty good for the most part, which is pretty impressive since you recorded some of them yourself. i've noticed that people into expansion stuff seem to be split on what kind of sounds they like when it comes to expansion itself (i like heavy elastic and latex), but you include a bit of everything, which is nice. also, i liked the garrand clip ping when her badge came off. the only things i didn't like are audio related. i think some of the sounds could have used more oomph (a technical term), like when she falls back onto her coworker. her butt is HUGE here, and it comes down pretty hard, so much so that it knocks the other girl's glasses off, but it the sound has the impact of someone dropping a leather bag on a table. as she gets bigger, i think the sounds she make as she moves around should be bigger, heavier, and bass-ier, which you do do most of the time i think. the environment should also react differently as she gets bigger, like in the scene previously mentioned i think adding the sounds of creaking and groaning wood would really illustrate how big she is getting. all of these comments kind of lead up to my final observation about audio. i was wondering why in some of your animations that the audio seems to be lower fidelity? i'm not an audio guy, but it sounds like the audio is at a low sample rate or bit rate, and i feel like a lot of what i mentioned could be partially alleviated by exporting with better quality audio, as it seems to hurt how heavy some of the sounds feel. i'm not sure if this is an artistic choice, but i can certainly respect that if that's the case even if i'm not necessarily a fan of it. overall i really liked it. please get any rest you need, you deserve it lol.


God damn. Thank you so much for the well thought and incredibly supportive comment. It means a lot to us. I'll pass it along. &lt;3


I absolutely loved this and was well worth the wait! I can't remember a time when I was more disappointed by a "to be continued" screen though lol


this was actuaally so amusing to watch fr bro great job


Absolutely phenomenal as always!~ Also, at the end it said "to be continued," is that actually true? Keep up the fantastic work!~


Nothing is wrong about it you did gr8


Great job. The animation was on point

Mr. Tol

I think its one of your best so far


i've re watched it a few times, and i have to say i love the amount of detail you put into the background elements. the coffeehouse looks so comfy, and i really like the colors and lighting. if there was a place like that near me, i might actually start drinking coffee. also, love all the little jokes and references i missed the first few watches. i also forgot to mention before, but your and holly's voice acting is perfect, really makes the characters feel real. this is definitely your best work yet.

John Scott

Thank you. You did an amazing job 👏


Great job! Can we get a version without the voice acting though and just subtitles?


"To be continued" Oh youuuuuuuu


Death by snusnu!?! 🤣


Magnum Opus? If not, what could possibly top this?

Based Andrew

"To be continued" you say...


This was well worth the wait. Also the lil Sophia cameo was pretty neat

Nick Conlan

That was outstanding. Well done!

Talia Johnson

I keep dying at "damn girl you a freak" i love everything in this animation. I don't know about anyone else but along with all the other expansions i really loved how her pussy got bigger


Love the "Can't look away but need to see more" when he pressed the tablet without looking.

Anime Guy

This has to be the best Expansion animation I’ve ever seen. Well worth the wait. From the voice acting to the smooth expansion scenes and all the little details and that ending. This is golden. Hats off to you and everyone else who helped. Can’t wait for part two.

Zeo, the Loyal

Best early Christmas gift ever 👌🏾

Zeo, the Loyal

It's definitely a good day when you CoWorker smothers, &amp; rides your face

Axel Cruz



I just recenty became a patreon of you, and I'm already astonished by the amount of effort and consistency you put into your posts. This animation is sensational! All that's missing now is that the woman at the end with the order tablet chooses a veeery small coffee ... &gt;;3


It was a To Be Continued screen now or you wait another half year and the animation is 8 minutes long. Haha.


Fantastic animation 🤤 I actually really love the voice acting and script. Overall incredibly well done 👏 You definitely can see how much time and effort went into this


Was that an M1 Garand ping i heard???


I originally started here for the Mr. Hare comic but jumped up for animation, worth it!


It was beautiful.

Liquid Metal Larry

This is the best expansion related video I've ever seen


Shout out to Mark from Accounting


This turned out great! Your months of hard work on it all show!


It means a lot to me that you enjoyed it, Fenris. I'll have to talk to Lily about it later. I'm sure they'll enjoy the cozy setting. Haha.

Living in the 90s

That's great ! But I'm having trouble watching the video. It says I have reached the daily quota but I did not see it once.


Tryna see this shit rq but says too many playbacks 😞

Tom Smith

I wish I could see this in all its glory, but Google saying I need to request access, which I've already done

Coco Wren

Was that a Madz cameo? XD


bought $10 just cause I saw ppl complaining on DA :D great work!


the En Bloc ping made me laugh way to hard. If i could buy you a beer for that alone xD Awesome animation. Well Done.


Absolutely stellar work, might be the best animation of its kind that I've seen


It seems to me the download link has expired, or more corectly reached it's limit.


Same problem here - DLs and playbacks are exceeded.


it’s giving that error too :(


Is there a discord group? I would like to join. Also use MEGA. Way better then google drive.


Oh my god that was incredible! DANG GIRL YOU A FREAK


quota has been met for me

Minty Flavor

This is incredible!! You did a fantastic job mate keep it up ^^

Loonia Infinity

That ... was ... AWESOME! &lt;3


This is Fantastic!! Great work!

Marcy Anderson

Seven Months went into this thing? Wow, I Haaafta see it now~




soooo gooooood!! This is amazing.


I found this leaked on a porn site and tracked it to here and supported it. Hottest content I've seen all year


This is killer. PLEASE be continued. I came here just for this one (but the dig-dug one is also extremely hot).


Continúed please i love You animación &lt;3


DanG GURL YOU A F R E A K I laughed at this way harder than I should've.


honestly i love this animation the best out of reviewing the other ones i hope we see more like this one in the future.

Metallic X

WOW! That was intense!!

Kamikaze Ozzy

Good god I watch this so many times I hope a part 2 comes out


Good job, it was worth 5 dollars.


Worth more than 5 dollars, hnnnngh thank you for this wonderful creation~

George Kelly

It says to be continued I can’t wait to see what happens next to bombshell barista


More like this! So good!


i know i will sound stupid but how do i watch this


M1 ping got me actin' up


I can't watch it :(


part 2 soon plzz


This is SO GOOD. I love how good all the expansion is, the BE parts being my favorite. Multi-boob for part 2? &lt;3


Rewatching this, the end voice acting of the whole closet scene is really good, like you both show off your range pretty subtlety, and it is impressive.


I adore all of the milk sounds those are so hot, more liquid lewd sounds!

sean finch

Man, Mark's a dick.


Really awesome animation. I loved the table humping, honestly would have loved to have seen Eli getting some "release" maybe in part 2. Can't wait to see more 😁


I like the MadzIsStacked cameo

Benji Fox

To be continued!?!?! 💖


see it and love it so much


Can't wait for the update!


That was really fantastic! I love that the voice acting felt realistic - That's hard to find sometimes! Kudos for how well this turned out, can't wait to see the continuation!


Link doesn’t work


Can make part 2?


Dang u should make more of these, that smothering on that girl was hot I agree with the customer lol


Wow... huge fan of that pussy expansion. That was awesome!!!!


When will we see part 2!!! this shit is amazing


How far done are you with part two? I see you've been grinding out since February


I'd have to check the notes. Lining is the slowest part, but I'm currently done animating 50+ out of 140ish shots. A lot of those are very small shots that won't take long to do though. I'm at a healthy pace because I am really shooting for June. I don't want to go back to July unless there are some major issues.


Yeah man jus take your time. Don't rush we'll wait either way, keep up the great work


This is literally the BEST expansion video Ive ever seen.


This is why I'm here


Will there be more to the animation later

Zack Learn

I just love the video so sexy