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This was an art trade with OddTenn. His style is great so i wanted to trade with him. I didn't think my audience would like what he wanted, so I did a butt expansion version y'all. Haha.




U into gas?

Captain Swag

I wouldn’t mind more gas stuff


I just do it when there's an opportunity to appeal to that very niche audience of mine. lol I did it here because the guy likes that and wanted it, so fair enough. I wouldn't get used to it though.


Not really. I find this section of the community to be invasive and annoying though.

Shifty Imp

Not liking expansion, I got big eyes when I read "alt", thinking it might be a normal Zelda pic. So I clicked and found out the alt is something I don't like either. Double KO. Well played sir Tail-Blazer. 😂 😂


Yep, that's exactly what I think about it (can't reply reply lol)

Bigby Lies

Do what you like, my guy. No shame in doing an alt like this for someone else or yourself. I personally love it and I'm sure plenty other followers do too!

not expandinator

art trade more like fart trade💨 great stuff!