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Do you like when a character in a TF/Expansion/WG/whatever is enjoying the situation/being more dominant, or is more playing the victim/embarrassed/submissive in the scenario?

Curious as I proceed with a couple of drawings. Thanks!



Putting don't care because I like both, not due to indifference. :D

Kinky Utterances

I like it to go from resistance to enjoyment as it progresses ^^


I literally do not care but if I had to choose, I'd choose the latter

Mirrored Knight

I prefer enjoyment, but you should also include dislike from time to time for variety's sake.


Looking at these results, y'all came to the wrong person. Haha. edit: Let me clarify. I like when a character is embarrassed and not liking the kink/playing the submissive, then gets hot and bothers by it later in the process, ultimately enjoying it but still embarrassed. So you don't think I'm a serial killer. Haha.

Jennifer Miller

Little of column a little of column b. I don't like punishment TF but I enjoy a little struggle if just a random cosmic fluke TF like Lycanthropy.


Liking it is my preferred. Looking embarrassed, but secretly liking it/growing to like it is good too though.


For me, they don't necessarily have to be DOMINANT in the situation, but I do prefer them to enjoy it, even if it's begrudgingly, or a surprise for them.


I like it when they enjoy it more as they grow.

Violet Rose

I like it when they don't enjoy the scenario, it plays into the whole "humiliation" thing

Jackie Kyuu

The problem is conflating TF with the others. Overall I like doms to enjoy it and subs to barely enjoy it to not enjoy it.

Hubert Górski

How about the character is embarassed at first but then starts to like it due to orgasmic sensation it gives her


Both is good imo, but usually my fav thing is when they know they'll transform because of a trigger, but get triggered at inoppertune times :3. I guess you could call it "soft-sub" instead of full sub if that makes sense


I like when characters don't expect the scenario. Surprising/unexpected transformations have always been my favorite.