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Sorry everyone! Just really want to nail down what the audience wants, and give you guys a voice in the process since you paid for a voice.

If you want to see these surveys less, let me know!

So in the animation, Eli grows a little taller while she gains an hourglass figure.

Would you like her at the height of B or C? A is her starting point, same height as Chris. I could also let her go to the height of D and have her reach the top of the doorway on the right, though I imagine that would be less popular.

Select all applicable options below.



D 👁👄👁


(I've already laid things out to be C, but I want your input in case I was terribly off base)

Axel Cruz

Dude, I love D, why aren't more people into it?? XD however, C is a very good second for me~


C puts him perfectly at the chest height. A good place to be when she comes in for a hug.


Start with A and then work up will get the best show of growth and hourglass.


D! More Polls, ALL THE POLLS! o(^-^)d


I know it isn't going to win, but I think D is the best choice (little biased but still). Reason being it feels more right for a sweet spot height wise for a mini giantess scenario. The growth scene is slightly wasted if she only grows a barely noticeable amount. Expansion fans and size growth are brothers in arms. You'd think they'd want to see her grow more lol


C is the nice middleground where it's still noticeable. She interacts with doors and walls, and crouches at points, so it'll feel fine.


I'm guessing D is outta the cafe


I'm most interested in height D though so far it's far from 1st place.