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Hey there, everyone. 

Looks like we've finally gotten to that point. The Patreon has gotten so popular that the $10 requests are far too much work. Call me crazy, but 30~ requests a month is a difficult task on top of also animating, and I'd rather put the effort into the future animations for Patreon. I've also been wanting to open commissions to people, and the number of these Patreon requests stops me from being able to.

The solution I'm coming up with is something along the lines of: 

Making a post that leaves the comments open to people for making requests, and then having people like (heart etc) whatever requests they would like to see drawn, essentially having a voting system. I'll pick somewhere between the top 5-10 requests. Probably going to stick around 7. That's much more manageable, and I don't mind putting more effort in if I know how many I'll get each month.

It's not a great situation compared to this current one, I know. It means that there are less request art pieces, but on the other hand, it gives me more time for the animated works, which people are here for anyway.

Voice your concerns below and let me know what you think of the new system I'm considering. "but muh drawing" is not a valid response. Haha.

EDIT: Someone just messaged me with a great idea to make a separate post that is TF focused since I do have a large TF fanbase. I'd like to do that as well. So in this scenario, there'd be a more size related post and a TF post.



This seems like the best solution to me! You've clearly given it a lot of thought and the solution is fair.


Definitely makes sense! For honest feedback, I'm not sure if 10 bucks is a great price for the tier if it will become a "You *could* get a request" kind of thing. Maybe if you kept track of who is in tier, so someone in the tier for 3-4 months was guaranteed their drawing to be one of the monthly winners? This isn't me being all "im taking my ball and going home" or whatever but I can say personally, that at 10 bucks I'd just drop back down to the basic tier. Just wanted to give you some honest feedback! 30 drawings a month is definitely nuts though so the change is definitely understandable!

Sum Gie

That’s better for your sanity and time

Darryl Couch

I would say for voting situations it can be kinda hard. Mainly people tend to go "popular" choices. So if you idea is more on the fringe you can just be put to the way side due to the popular demand.


This is true, and something I was not unaware of. Though if I see a good idea, I will simply do it if I like it. Even if it is fringe.


So two voting polls with a set number of winners each. Seems fair. I don't have the best luck with polls, but I'll try, all the same. XD I've seen some polls make it a rule that previous month's winners cannot submit again on a current month, of that sounds like an idea to help keep things fair.


Hm yeah I could tell this was coming with how much more you’ve been putting into the animations. I don’t think there’s gonna be a solution where everyone is 100% happy, but I like that you’re trying to come up with ideas so you don’t have to completely eliminate the tier. Random idea but what if you did a kind of weekly drawing that people could vote on? And alternate the theme for it. One week expansion, one tf, etc. Maybe more than a sketch if it’s less drawings though.


I still say you should steal the solution I use. It lets you be more flexible with how many you do each month, you don't have to make monthly posts anymore, nobody gets left out because they don't word their ideas well every month (which can lead to people dropping), and it sort of sets the tiers value to be more reasonable than it being basically a $10 monthly sketch commission (which is way too cheap for what you offer). I've tried it the way you're doing it and it kind of becomes its own management nightmare - you'll keep adding rules to make it fair and it just adds so much unnecessary overhead. Most artists I know - if they keep a suggestion tier - eventually switch to a sheet like I've been using (hell, I stole it from a much more successful patreon artist who has thousands of people at his sketch tier, the comment method just becomes impossible just like your current one). Another benefit is that it lets you setup higher tiers with better quality pictures as the tier rewards (and you still limit them to a certain number a month to keep reasonable).


I don't want to have drawings stacking up month after month though, hence I'd prefer to not do it the way you've proposed previously. If I'm going to start having much higher costing tiers for requests, I might as well cancel the tier and just open commissions at that point. I just want to do a handful of drawings, and I want to let people have some sort of say in it. This is that sort of say. If it becomes impossible, I'll probably up it to $20 to weed people out or drop the tier and focus on animating. The $5 tier is my focus, and I'm just trying to keep the $10 tier involved.


Yes. I'm working on them now and a number of them have been posted.


If you keep the rest of the $10 perks the same, I'm fine with that

ZekeStaright (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:08:35 Sounds good, I'd give up my own ideas for more animation & if I get to vote for what does get made, that's cool. o(^-^)d
2021-05-22 02:36:00 Sounds good, I'd give up my own ideas for more animation & if I get to vote for what does get made, that's cool. o(^-^)d

Sounds good, I'd give up my own ideas for more animation & if I get to vote for what does get made, that's cool. o(^-^)d