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Do you prefer animations that are 1 minute long and look nicer, or 2 minute long animations that are longer, but have to have quality cut at certain points to make the deadline?

Just trying to get a feel for everyone's preference.

Like do you care if there isn't shading, but more shots, like in the Dig Dug Expansion Animation? Or do you like it shorter, and with shading/nice backgrounds like the NixFountain Animation?

What is your preference?



Definitely more of a fan of the Dig Dug vid, but thats personal taste ig

Marco Luna

It really depends, in my opinion I just want to see what will happen in the next animation. If you wanna do long or short is fine, but when it come about to details I tend to focus more on it in longer animations. I would like to see how well detailed of a longer animation would look like. I am bread.


I like both but the shorter more detailed ones, even if the background has to be put to the side and more focus in the characters, are really good like the fountain and the office ones.


Would things like wobbling and bouncing curves be considered a detailed aspect?


A lot of quantity over quality folks here, I'll be happy with the results regardless.

Crazy Squid

I think both are valid options for different projects. Even though the Dig Dug animation is noticeably less detailed, the animation itself is still appealing and well done. Either one is great

George Kelly

Do both have detailed long and short animations