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Whooooa..... For a bunny, she seems about as nutty as a squirrel. Also, “loose and lustful”? Now that’s just rude. Lustful, sure. But loose, Lady Fox is not. Can’t wait to see how these events unfold


You have done a good job making sure we hate this heiress rabbit


lol! Will there be a threesome in this chapter 3?


I want Hare to just flat out refuse this mad bunny to her face, and then see what happens.

Admiral of Weebland

I hope lady fox just bites her neck and let's her bleed out

Tock Noctune

There are two words that I like to quote in regards to ladies like this little bunny (ahem) Begone, THOT!

Benji Fox

Something tells me our love Fox will soon have 2 rabbit's in under her thumbs.