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Hey there everyone.

 I hardly ever hear from this tier specifically, and I thought I might like to ask and see how everyone is enjoying the comic. I see a number of you have been here since the first month and even more people are beginning to join. It's exciting. 

Do you read other web comics as well, and if so, do you find you enjoy Mr. Hare like any of those that you read?

 I'm also curious as to how often you check up or if you're just here to support it financially.  Jessica and I sure appreciate it either way.

If you'd like to leave a comment below to let Jessica and I know what you think of it so far and if you're enjoying it or not, that'd mean a lot to us. We're always looking for good feedback.

Hope to hear from you!



I'm here to support financially anyway, however, I love Mr Hare and chose $3 specifically for that reason.


This is the only page I support on patreon. I used to do others but they were not consistent with what was uploaded so I cancel. But y'all upload regularly and the content is extremely cute. I love how y'all have built the characters and developed them throughout the comic.


I personally don't read online comics or comics in general, but honestly this one you've created with Jessica caught my attention. It's just so captivating and the style and various aesthetics are so perfect; the small details on the lower three panels in chapter 22 for example show that you've taken time to carefully think and draw out the room slowly being ripped to shreds emphasizing the couple's descent and acceptance of their true carnal desires. It's truly a pleasure every time you guys release a new page!


Well stay tuned. We're almost out of the build up pages into the next round of steamy pages..... ;D We appreciate your support thoroughly, really.


This comment made my day, Anonaw. I should Jessica and she appreciated it as well. We do try to take our time and do what we can to flesh out this comic as much as possible with our time constraints. I find we've been rather good about it. Jessica is an extremely skilled write and I am improving with my visual storytelling, so it's going to be a lot of good work coming up. Even in the next few pages that aren't released yet, we've really got some good work going. It's very exciting, and comments like these make us feel heard and give us more drive to produce. So thank you so kindly.