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Hello there, patrons.

I had a surgery yesterday that has left me away from my work computer for a few days.

Just to keep you posted so that you don't think i've abandoned you:

- Those who paid 20 or 50 dollars for last month are welcome to either tack on the extra seconds to their respective requests, or can ask for a separate reward entirely.  You can message me about that if you like.

- The Zelda girls pack is nearly done, it just needs to be colored and a few drawings need inking. But I must say it's coming along very nicely. It will be released shortly after I return to my computer to the $5 and up tiers. Also it will be sold to individuals through paypal exchanges of $5.

I do apologize for the inconvenience, my people. Do be patient as I return to my regular hours. I have a swift schedule in mind.


Lucas Lucas

You're good, man.


No rush tailblazer 🙂 Your work is worth the wait