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In December I’ll be holding a fan meeting, but at this time it would be small stage! I’m going to make small love with performance and also I’m making goods for this 🥺

All illustrations and design I made by myself, and I wanna show them to you!

Costume design!

Just a process!

And final result of main illustration!

+ some another

I prepare a lot of things for this fan meeting, and all of them I’m doing for the first time…

Also I’m making cosplay photo book!

It’s already printing 😊

It will be a series of photo book with different seasons, and the first one is winter!

Also on December 3 I have a very important exams in my school, and I’m so worried… it’s so hard to do all the work, social media and school at the same time 🥲 hope the exams don’t be so hard…

Anyway have a nice days!

As always thank you so much for your support!



The plan is impressive! Good luck with everything!

Alexandr Shmatkov [SSRB]

Как прошёл экзамен? Хотя поздновато спрашиваю 😅