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New photos that will be in rewards for this month!~

I also apologize for postponing the sending January rewards, it happened because I had to prepare for the festival in Tula and preparing for a new big photo shoot takes a lot of time! Im so sorry, I hope you understand! 

As always, thanks for your support and attention!



> EU, UK, Canada, US pledge to remove selected Russian banks from interbank messaging system SWIFT https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/26/eu-uk-canada-us-pledge-to-remove-selected-russian-banks-from-swift.html Наша денежная поддержка, возможно, не дойдёт до Вас. Я искренне молюсь, что Saya не будет становиться никаким трудностью в повседневном жизни. 俺たちの金銭的な支援は届かなくなるかも。 サーヤが生活に困ることがないよう切に祈る。


Your support is very important to me. My accounts are in private banks that are not sanctioned. I keep making videos on YouTube. Photos and cosplay. I am an absolutely peaceful person, and I have always spoken out for friendship between all peoples. The situation in Ukraine makes me very upset. I have friends there. The whole cosplay community has no boundaries. But unfortunately now I can only hope for the best. My cultural programs abroad, in particular in Japan, were initially limited by covid. Now new restrictions related to the war. 😢


Saya выступает против войны, и не расистом. Здесь все знают это. Я надеюсь, что войны и болезни будут кончать, и Вы сможете провести ещё концерт в Токио. サーヤは戦争に反対しているし、差別主義者でもないのはここにいる皆が知っているよ。 いつの日か争いも病気もなくなってまた東京でライブできますように。


Hello Saya Scarlet. My Heart is with You. I Love You and i know that you are a very kind Person. I will still support you no matter the circumstances. I wish you Peace and Love. Hopefully you dont have to suffer to many consequences. I know exactly that the people from russia dont want War. Your people are restricted and oppressed by the own goverment i guess? Please stay safe.


I was very worried because of the SWIFT ban, but I was a little relieved to hear that your bank is ok. But if you have any problems, please let us know. We will do our best. Also, don't participate in the demonstration. It's dangerous.


Thanks for the support. It's dangerous to even just express your opinion.