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October has already come, and I still cant deal with all the cases! 

How are you? Don't you have an autumn melancholy? Because I have...

Im very grateful for all your support and try to keep time to make as much content for you as possible! Now I'm trying to diversify what I do, try new styles, images and ideas.

From now on, I want to thanks at the end of my videos to all patrons who subscribe to "Time Machine" and above! I hope you enjoy that idea because today I will upload a new video to my YouTube channel!

I also want to show you the rewards for September. You can get them during October!

(Yes, I know, I have to send the rest of the rewards, I'm already close to that. Sorry! ToT)

I hope you are doing great and I want to get some sleep. xD

Thank you for attention!



Hmm... Guess I've gotta upgrade once again sometime. That new "Time Machine" reward really sounds alluring!