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So, guys, it seems that inventory crash problem stills bothers us no matter what I do, making the whole game process senseless. The most strange thing is that I can't see this crash with my own eyes because it never happens when I play it myself.

I embed a special message in v.0.45 that says "Bugfix message! Inventory crash fixed! Mind battle crash fixed!" when you make 1 hour pass in game. It's supposed that when you see this bugfix message, the inventory crash is fixed now.

You can do the following: run v.0.45, load any save file from pervious versions, sleep for 1 hour in the game, read bugfix message, try to open inventory.

I also want to gather some info from you, and this will make me understand what's going on. That's why I created this poll.

Please, chose the statement that fits you most from the list below:



Android player here


I'm on PC. Loading my previous save doesn't show the message you added, and still throws an exception when accessing the inventory. Stack trace shows "d_note_sharp" is not defined on lines 28, 200 and 205 of inventory.rpy. After starting a new game I can immediately access the inventory without any exceptions.

Tor Cha

Have Not Played in a Bit Will try it Later today and see what Happenes


I'm on PC, loaded old save file, got inv crash, no message. Started new game, no crash.