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Hi everyone!

We finished the update of the game but tests show too much bugs. Mostly with new battle system, as it was expected. It's always hard for me to predict properly the amount of time needed for tests and bug-fixing work after the current update is finished.

We planned to release the update on May 10, but in order to make sure all bugs are found and fixed we're taking additional 48 hours to run all the tests and fix all errors.

So the update is expected withing next 48 hours (on May, 12)

Thanks for understanding.


Hi everyone!

Sorry, guys, some small problems. 1 more additional day needed. Still adjusting new battle mechanics. By the way, we added two new battle skills for the player and one new battle skill for the enemies, and we created new art for some old battle skills both for the player and for the demons. Actually, though Lisa got only two new hot scenes and some new art for two old hot scenes, we added rather big amount of new art exactly because of the battle changes.

So, the update is expected in the end of the day on May 13. Some small adjustments are stil left to do, but almost everything already works good.


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