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We feel really sad that we have to inform you about the delay of the update, but sometimes we face unexpected events that make us work slower, and sometimes it’s hard to predict how fast we can finish the work.

What has been already done:

1) Text writing task: 100 % finished. (About 8 000 lines of text for Emma was written)

2) Text correction task: 100 % finished. (All the text was corrected and all broken language and mistakes were cleaned).

3) Art creation task: 100 % finished.

4) Old texts removed from the game and new texts added: 100 % finished.

5) The coding of the text part of all scenes: 100 % finished.

6) The coding of the images : 20 % finished. 

So, almost everything is finished except the coding of the visual part for the new texts. This task demands me to place all the illustrations and sprites of the characters with all their poses and emotions to the right places of the new text. And, as there are about 8 000 lines of new text, this task goes a bit slower than I planned first.

But I’m sure that 4 extra days will be enough for me to finish this task. About 20% of it is already done, and it’s actually much easier than writing all this text.

So, the planned date of the release now is October, 30.

Thanks everyone for patience and understanding.





update today?


I need Chinese, I can't experience the game very well.


when update

Lurking Hedgehog

October, 30 is almost over, and I finished coding the update, but as I can see it needs some testing. The amount of new code is too big, so it shows tons of bugs at the moment. Much more than it was all the previous times actually. I suspect it'll take about 24 hours more (starting from now) to do a good testing and to fix all numerous bugs that I find from time to time today. I feel really sad that I have to disappont those of you who expected to see the update today, but I'm sure it would be better if I clean the majority of all the bugs and errors before I post it. It was much easier to calculate the right planned date of release when we were making updates each two weeks, because they were smaller. It's the first time when we make such a big update, that's why I had so many problems with calculating the date. Anyway, this shouldn't be long now.


Dont worry about offending us, lurking hedgehog, we understand the troubles you are facing. Just keep us informed and we will understand the situation


thank. I’m wondering if the creator plans content with the pregnancy, but it would be interesting and so on.

Lurking Hedgehog

We don't plan content with the pregnancy, and I'll try to explain why. For example, Emma has a bit more than 20 illustrated scenes. If we want to make Emma pregnant and keep all these scenes avaliable for the player at the same time, we'd have to create the art with pregnant Emma for each of her hot scenes. This would probably take us several months, and I don't this it's worth it at the moment, while the game still lacks a lot of other content. That's why we don't plan to add the content with pregnancy.

Lurking Hedgehog

Bad news guys. Unexpected curcumstances made me stop working on the game for today and for tomorrow, so I'll be able to continue fixing and cleaning bugs and errors only the day after tomorrow. I have to spend these two days at the place where I don't have my computer with me. I know some of you wait for this update and want it to be released as soon as possible, and that's what I want myself as well, but sometimes we face the events that we can't control. I also feel sad because I almost finished the tests, and it's really sad I need just a few hours to finish and I can't do it. I'll have the access to my computer at the day after tomorrow again, and I'll post the update just 2 or 3 hours later after this. So many delays and so many troubles and obstructions on the way to this update... I don't like it myself that this time I give you so many promises about the date of release and I have to break all my promises one by one. Most of you know this didn't happen before. Sometimtes I start to think someone cast some evil charms on this update. But anyway, I'll be back at the day after tomorrow and I'll post this update no matter what.


You are not fair. Shame!

Eldon Freeman

Take your time, I'm looking forward to the next release whenever.




Where is the release ? You said 30oct? If you cannot deliver then dont promise fake dates .... give only confirm date

Lurking Hedgehog

By the moment, the supposed date is November 3 (or 4). The fact is that we are working, not messing around. :) (c) Sheen2018 (LH will be online the day after tomorrow)



Lurking Hedgehog

我們現在遇到了一些困難(本次發布的很多工作)。 這是有史以來第一次。 我們預計將在11月3日或4日發布新版本。 我們不懶,我們工作。 :)


Do you know it or not? Do you know it or not? I waited until the flowers withered.--------Song name:I waited until the flowers withered。Singer:Jacky Cheung


<a href="https://www.xiami.com/play?ids=/song/playlist/id/2128319/object_name/default/object_id/0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.xiami.com/play?ids=/song/playlist/id/2128319/object_name/default/object_id/0</a>#loaded


Hey there Lurking Hedgehog, hows the update coming along?