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I have some important news for you today. The Patreon agent contacted me recently and informed me that I have to make changes in the game and delete all the forbidden content. So the game will suffer some serious changes immediately. It mostly concerns incest, of course.

I understand that many of you are disappointed with this and may even feel angry. I can only say I’m not happy with this either. But there are only two options at the moment: I can either refuse to make changes, and my Patreon page will be blocked (and that will be the end of this game); or I agree to make the changes and the game development continues with some content changed.

I choose the second way. That means we’ll need time to remake half of the texts in the game. In order to do this in the shortest time, we have to delay the next update. For now, we plan to release the next version before the end of the month. This version will have content that was planned for the v.1.3.a, and this version will also have all the texts changed so the game will be within Patreon guidelines.

I know many of you will feel tricked and want to unpledge. This decision is up to you. I only ask you to wait till the end of the month. That will cost you nothing. At the end of the month, you can test the remade version and if you don’t like it, then unpledge of course. But perhaps you’ll find out that the remade version is not worse than the previous version was, and decide to continue supporting us. Just give it a chance. If you don’t like it, you can unpledge on the last day of the May and any new payment from you won’t be processed.

Anyhow, thanks for being with me for so long.

Lurking Hedgehog.



Come on, you just need to survive a small crisis. I did not know at all that it was forbidden, nonsense. Personally, I stay here and wait for the good news at the end of the month)))


Make it so it takes manual input for the relation between the parts


It seems patreon don't want to differentiate between fantasy and reality, from their terms: "We also do not allow other fringe sexual fetish content, such as incest, necrophilia, or fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex."

Lurking Hedgehog

Since your questions and suggestions are mostly similar, I'll give all the answers to everyone in this post: 1) The idea of making them step-mom and step-sister. Actually, that was what I planned myself for such situation. Such solution would take really not much time to make changes. Unfortunately, the patreon agent said that sexual intercourse between adopted child and the family is forbidden too. I was told to make the characters totally not related. 2) The idea of finding alternative to Patreon. Unfortunately, there's no site like Patreon that would have the same features and would allow such content both. 3) The idea of staying on Patreon and placing the links for the game on some other site. That's too risky. The agent said that if they find out that I continue to release forbidden content somewhere else and use the Patreon for gathering pledges for such content, they'll block me. So if I do this, it will lead me back to this situation again sooner or later. 4) The idea to create manual input for the relation. This won't solve the problem. There are too many references to their family relation in the texts. The logic and the reasoning of the most of the texts show the player that they are the family, so half of the texts of the game still need to be rewritten. And even if I make such manual input after I change the story, it won't help if you input "Mom" for the relation, for example, because she won't behave like Mom and it won't look like incest content anyway. So the only way to continue the game development is to totally change the story and turn Mom and Sister into someone else.

Vega Chaos

I know of at lest one game that had this problem and using the step thing and moving the game to anther site worked for them they finished up the game while still using patreon


That is a tough one now. The girl you have a thing for and her mother you offered to put up in your inherited house after theirs was destroyed in a fire. Maybe the woman is your father's ex lover who you liked. Hard to get a plot as good as keeping it in the family.


The best solution if you stick with patreon, is choose your own relationship, or name for the female characters affected. The absolute best solution is to go to another service. This patreon fiddle-fuckery is massively tiresome. We're here to support the content and creators, not patreon. I might be the only one, but after seeing so many creators and projects get axed by the content police, I'm beginning to question whether supporting this platform is too high a cost to pay.


Is it really important that they be a mom and a sister? once got into a situation, and hell with it. Yes, let the guy be at least a pizza deliveryman who carried out the order, gave pizza, wandered to the basement of the house, that would find something of value, and that I will give !!! it still will remain your work, the artist's drawings from this will not become worse, and Edd writes good texts. So think of an alternative story and start copying the texts, do not drop your hands, and everything will be formed.

jedi Mosiah

Patreon sucks balls. Hedgehog, can't you just switch to some other, similar service?


I'm not too fussed by this, and would prefer sticking to patreon. Perhaps change the relationship so that they're your good friend's mom and sis? Your good friend who perhaps got turned into a demon?


Seems like the biggest problem with taking the incest out for your story is the whole "Blood Power" thing, and the idea that you get stronger for fucking them. You could just make it that you just moved to town and rented a room in their house. Note that there were a number of rooms for rent that they've had trouble finding tenants for because everyone thought the house was too creepy, but you find it oddly comforting. After the confrontation with Olyvia (where you enter the mom's name: "There's a strange woman talking to my landlady, whose name is...") the mom tells you that if you need any extra storage you can use the old part of the basement, since no one really goes there anymore, and you decide to go take a look. There you meet the ancestor. He tells you that he's your ancestor, and the family currently living in the house used to be your family's servants long ago. They were kept as servants because they have natural magical energies that your family can feed upon to become stronger (by way of having sexual intercourse with them) but couldn't actually use magic themselves. Then a few centuries ago one of them made a pact with a demon that let them turn on the family, your specific several times great grandparents escaped, but most of the family was murdered. With his last energy he bound his spirit to the house and ensorcelled the library to prevent the servant family from entering it as the power of the knowledge within would let them complete the pact they'd made with the demons and open a permanent gateway between Earth and Hell. Olyvia was from a branch of the servant's family that left some time ago looking for sources of power that would let them bypass his protection, and he drew you here (you weren't quite sure why you decided to move to this town with no real job prospects or school, but you had enough money in savings that you could thnk of it as a bit of a walkabout) because he had sensed she'd found an artifact powerful enough to do so (the sword shown in her ritual), then everything picks up where your current story already runs.


I'm not too fond of incest myself, so no biggie, but why not do it like Darkcookie ? I mean changing the game to fit Patreon's guideline, but implementing a patch somewhere that would change the content back to original once you download then paste it into the game's folder.


Well... All i can say is that really sucks balls. Now i feel it will be another roommate game with corruption element.


Well I'm so glad Patreon intervened. All this exposure to incest would surely have turned my adult mind to desiring my mother and sister, despite my lack desire for my mother and the fact that I don't have a sister. Ah keeping me safe from the demons I didn't know I had.