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 Q: How often do you update the game?
A: We usually create two releases per month. One release is in the first half on the month. The other is at the end of the month.

Q: How often do you post development news?
A: Twice a month. Each news post contains information about plans for the nearest release, a piece of new art from the future version, and the planned date of release.

Q: Do you always do an update in time?
A: Most of the time we have managed to release updates on schedule, and sometimes even a day or two earlier than planned. If we’re delayed, we’ll make an announcement post.

Q: What does the version number of the game mean? Would v.1.0 be the final version?
A: No, I just started the numbering system that way a long time ago and have stuck with it. I know some people think that I should make the version numbering like v.0.01, v.0.02 etc., and maybe they are right, but I won’t change it now because it may cause misunderstandings. After v.0.9 I’ll make v.1.0, then v.1.1 and so on.

Q: So, what version will be the final then?
A: I don’t know. We will release as many versions of the game as needed to come to the logical finale.

Q: What do the letters “a” and “b” in the version number mean?
A: The letter “a” means it was the first release of the month and I selected the content. The letter “b” means it was the second release of the month and the content was determined by the results of the poll.

Q: How often do you make polls?
A: I usually make polls once per month. The poll starts in the beginning of the month. Then while we create the “a” version, the patrons decide what content would “b” version have.

Q: When does the poll end?
A: The poll usually ends when we release “a” version. I will make an announcement in the comments under the poll about which option of the poll won. We will then begin the “b” version.

Q: I’ve found a bug in the game, what should I do?
A: First, make sure you’ve downloaded the game from my Patreon page. It’s easy to crack the game, change the code and post it somewhere on the internet, so you may have found a bug created not by me, but by some other person. Second, make sure you didn’t crack the game yourself to cheat. Sometimes cracking the game helps you to play, but if you do it, you may cause the bug. Third, make sure you didn’t use old saves from previous versions, as they often cause bugs.

Q: I downloaded the game from your Patreon page, I didn’t crack it, I didn’t use old saves, but the game still has a bug.
A: Please email me about the bug. It would be a great help for the development of the game. Please provide as much information about the bug as you can. I’ll find the bug and fix it in a short time or at least in the next version.

Q: I’m pledging $1, and I know that you make a special Patrons’ version for those who pledge $15 or more. But $15$ is too much for me. I’m not that rich. Why won’t you give access to this content to all patrons?
A: Because this $15 content was created to attract financial support (all creators do such content) , and I couldn’t create the game without financial support. If I give access to the $15 Patrons’ version to all patrons, why would anyone pledge $15 then? Without financial support, the game creation process would stop, and I’m sure this is not what you want.

Q: Does it mean that if I pledge only $1 I will never get access to the Patron’s version?
A: No. When we finish the game, all content will be available for everyone, and we start a new game project with new premium content. But it won’t happen soon, so you just have to be patient. 


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