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Pls ignore xd LOL kidding but…a bloopers video should be out next month or in August. I think I finally have at least 10-20 mins 😅 I will be changing it up a bit next month for Patreon I am thinking as well. I will be going away in July to my uncle’s cottage for quite a while. Because of that, I will be prefilming all of July’s Patreon videos in the first week (I leave on the 7th to the 30th 0.O). Since it will be a bit of a different month for me, I figured why not something different for Patreon!! Here is my idea:

1.) instead of only posting 5 videos for the month, I will be posting 7-8 videos (I was going to do 10, but not sure how much time I will have. If I have time, I will do 10, but guaranteed 7-8 [2-3 more videos for July:)]. BUT, they will be each 10 minutes long (I am doing 10 videos each 10 minutes in July for YouTube, attached to a giveaway [words hidden in them, or so I am thinking. If you can find all 10 words, you are a winner of the giveaway! There will be 3 winners, for YT and PAT (6 total). But, nothing is confirmed [please feel free to let me know your thoughts].

2.) instead of these 7-8 videos being my ideas from polls, I figured for the month of July, I will be posting a post where you can comment what ideas you want the videos to be:) the top flow of comments I will be doing (like if 4 people comment spit painting, I will do spit painting, if 2 people comment follow the light I will do follow the light next, or what comments gets the most likes, but since it is Patreon I am not sure how many people will like comments), or the first 7-8 people to comment will get their video idea (sort of like customs! [I am not sure which one yet, what do you think would be more fair?])

Let me know your thoughts:) I think it would be fun to switch it up for the month, trying to keep it funky fresh xD in short:

- in July, there will be 7-8 videos posted instead of 5, based off of your ideas (there will be a dedicated post to comment)

- in those 7-8 videos, there will be a (find the words) giveaway which will cease at the end of the month, and be fulfilled in August (should I not do this, is it too much? Maybe only for YT, and PAT can just have the custom giveaway?). If you find all the words (1 for each video, 7-8-10 in total), and are one of the first 3 to comment (3 winners, and there will be a dedicated post to post your comment [if you choose to participate]) you are a winner of the giveaway! ^_^ (not sure what the prize will be yet xd I am thinking a goody box we create together that I ship to you, and maybe a 10 minute custom, if you are interested in that.)

- as well, I am thinking of doing another custom video giveaway in July. This time 3-5 winners, BUT there will be a dedicated post you have to comment on to enter this time, instead of me doing my whole list of active Patreons and randomly picking from them. We can see which way works better for the future! ^_^ BUT, these customs will be LOFI. I would record them at the cottage. They will not be too lofi, I will be bringing some sort of mini set up or whatnot:) but, they will not be filmed in my usual set up. That is why I think the commenting on the post is better for this, so if you enter, you know the video you will be getting will be a bit more lofi.

THOSE ARE (i think) ALL OFF MY JULY PLANS! Again, feel free to let me know your thoughts! I definitely rambled 😅 (nothing is set in stone, I will post a post at the end of June with what is happening:) I can’t wait for summer togetha!! :D thank you so much for being apart of my Patreon ^w^ 💘




Ngl too much info and its confusing Too much changes might not be good Maybe try one change at a time This thing is like complete overhaul ( even if its for a month) Its my pov maybe people might love it But i don't


Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it:) ❤️ nothing is set in stone, so the last day of June I will post another post with what is happening! What would you want to not change? The video amount, or the way the video ideas will be created? Or no giveaway in those videos, and just stick with the custom video giveaway? OR NO GIVEAWAYS AT ALL, please let me know!! 💗


"find the words" this can be done, but since you have followers speaking different languages(like me), wouldn't it be better to sprinkle these words between videos in different languages? (3 pat videos + 1 turkish yt vid+ 1 spanish yt vid+ 1 french vid or something like this) " I am thinking a goody box we create together that I ship to you" YEYYYYYY


I like trying to find the words to win a video:) and more videos from you sounds great! Also I’m glad we’re getting another bloopers video been waiting for the next one

Daniel Boone

3do ear eating is all i wanna see from Ms. Armpits, eventually :) lol


Wow, your plans for July sound fire! A bloopers video, increased Patreon videos, and some custom videos are all amazing, and I'm fucking with it. What more can we ask for?😅 The hidden word giveaway adds an exciting element, and the prizes of a goody box and a custom video are wonderful. To make the custom video poll more inclusive, consider allowing people to enter either by commenting or by liking the post. This way, those who are shy or prefer not to type can still participate. The lofi custom video giveaway recorded at the cottage sounds unique and creates a special atmosphere. Overall, your July plans are Fire, and I'm sure your Patreon will have a fun experience. Have a fantastic summer at the cottage Kat!


I LOVE IT !!! you just do what you feel like doing because those videos are the best. and you try to please everyone, thats impossible! you have FUN on your trip.:) you entertain MILLIONS with high quality asmr. just watched an older video with high heels walking. love to see more of that,expecially with your tattoos. i feel like a kid in a candystore! thank you so much for your entertaining videos!


I SEE, thank you for the feedback! That would be harder tho :/ do you think itll be confusing to track?


YAYY soso happy you like, thank you Majin!! How have you been? :D that is a great idea! I was actually not aware I could see who liked the post, thanks so much C: DO YOU HAVE ANY PLANS?! :D THANK YOU LOVE, I appreciate the feedback :D


I appreciate the feedback Robin :D I will definitely do that if you comment on the post! :D Thank you, sending lots of love, thank you <3


OMG so excited for this! i feel so proud when i see you taking steps forward with your career i still remember the start of your youtube channel hehe very very happy for you! you deserve all the success and recognition i mean it! love you! 🥰🥰


Your eyes are soo mesmerizing


All has been well, and if I helped even a little bit, I'm good with that. I hope you've been doing well too. I don't have too many plans for this summer, though your mention of going to a cottage makes me want to go camping -_-


I love ya more ^u^ Thank you, thank you for sticking with me!! ^u^ I hope you are well, sending lots of love <3


Maybe The video idea is good small but more videos Idk about patreon like 7 videos sounds too much of a work especially you already gonna do our favourite on YouTube And giveaway idea is too chaotic i like random lucky draw idea because language barriers as many like me don't understand English quite well So for me a special message on YouTube videos won't work Also many watch videos for relaxation so a secret message won't let them relax That's my views It may or may not be agreeed by any


u look so friendly 🤩


Sounds good i love Kat 😊


My girl so bad


If I were home yes, but I'm in Cali right now visiting family for the summer.