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Hello! Happy December. If you would like a postcard sent to you this month from me, please comment on this post (it can be anything you want)!

Here is the link to the explanation (postcards and custom videos): https://www.patreon.com/posts/december-video-75196666

In short form,

- I am sending out postcards this month to 100 people. If less than 100 people comment, everyone gets a postcard. If more than 100 people comment, I will figure out what to do then, but it will most likely be only the first 100 people getting postcards. If it is like 103 people, I will be sending out 103 postcards xd

- Comment on this post if you want a postcard! Once you comment, I will message you in a couple days to confirm your address and all other relevant information.

! You will have to give me your address (or P.O box etc.) and other relevant information to send the postcard. If you are not comfortable with this, and you want a card of some sort, message me and we can try and work something out :) !

- Postcards will be sent out the third week of December (week of the 18th). This is also when I will STOP taking comments. If you comment after the 19th of December, your comment will NOT be counted. I will message you when the postcard has been sent out.

- If anything happens to your postcard, I cannot send a postcard to your location for whatever reason etc. we will message each other and work something out!

Woo :D



AJ Lotus

I would like a postcard :)


I want one!!!


It'd be nice to get one c:


I would like to have one


I would like a postcard


I would like to get one


I would like one please


Please and thank you


I am sorry love, this is over :( It finished the 18th, but I plan to do it again in the near fututre <3