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As always, feel free to share your thoughts and ideas 💙 (close up inspired this month) ^.^ videos will be posted soon, I am a bit behind on editing 😅



Thank you!


The combination would be perfect imo since everyone gets their favourite trigger and who knows people might find out new tingles for them. I'd like to suggest a longer than normal vid in that case so you wont have to rush through triggers. But only if you have the time and even want to do it at all. And hopefully you'e having (or going to) the greatest day!


You as well Kevin, thanks soso much :) I will try to make the video 25-30 minutes long, but no promises; at least 20 minutes though! :D thank you <3

Top Right Hand Corner

Can close up lens licking one of these days be directly on the lens and then wiping it down with a little spray bottle? Or some plastic sheet or glass over the lens to accomplish this? Doesn't need to be this one obviously 🤗


Yes! My Nov shop will include plexi glass :) and I will create a version of it soon. Thanks so much:)