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NEW Update! Version 2.1.1 published!


Installation Guide (Guides -> Installation guide)


Discord Server


Changes in release dates:

Previously, versions were typically released on Thursdays. However, due to various reasons such as the need for emergency updates or major updates that cannot be completed within a week, updates will now be released at any time.

This means that there may be periods of more frequent updates and periods of less frequent updates.

In any case, notifications will always be sent via email as usual.

Version 2.0.8+

An update of character.ai conflicted with the extension loading. The error has been fixed and it will work correctly from version 2.0.8 onwards.

Previous versions have been removed to avoid confusion about non-functional versions.

New favorites management system from version 2.0.6+

Chat history downloadable and compatible with smartphones and tablets from version 2.0.4+

If you're having login issues or trouble loading the extension on Android, make sure to enable all permissions in the extension details.

You can also use the Chromium version on Android.

Tip: You can reorder the memory boxes of the memory manager on the new website using the dark drag bar (Tap and hold on Android).

At https://chai.rinineaitools.com you can access downloads once you have logged in with your Patreon subscription.

As always, on Discord you will have real-time help for your questions and notifications for each published download.

If you are a subscriber and you don't have your role on the Discord server, remember to associate your patreon account with Discord as indicated here:

If you still have problems to get your role on the server, send me a message.

Do you have doubts about the 2024 changes?

Major changes 



Hi! I saw your post in the subreddit and thought the idea sounded really cool, so I decided to give it a try! :)

Ai Mar

I come here right after I saw the post. I'm going to try it. Thank you for making this!

. オタク

Hows it best used?


The best way to use it is to carry out your roleplay session as you would normally. When an event occurs that you consider important, make a note of it in one of the memory slots. Every few messages, the system will insert the memories into your message to send them to the bot along with what you want to tell it. This ensures that it doesn't forget what you noted as important memories. Remember to save your session memories so that you can load them the next time you want to continue that session.

Charles Marsh

When I click Save I get a .json file. What am I to do with this?


It is the file that contains all the memories of the session. It is the same file that you will have to load with the "Load" button to retrieve your memories from that session.


Is there any way to toggle the interface? I use a verticle monitor and it takes up way too much screen realistate.


Btw, when you press shift + enter to make a new empty line, * still appears on the empty line, and not on the filled out line. Hard to explain, so I'll just write an example: * Blahblahblah I just threw a lion off a cliff.*


You mean when memories are injected? If you write normally when the memories are injected it will automatically leave a gap. If you mean in the memory boxes, you should not use "*" there (the system does it automatically for you).


Yes, when memories are injected. I like leaving a small empty line of space for organization, but it always only puts * in that space whenever I try to organize it


Can you post a screenshot? It does not seem to be working as it should. For example, the memories are inserted every 4 messages or when you refresh the page, if you load your memories file after a page refresh they will be inserted when you start writing your message. If I start writing a message (I just pressed the "d" key) the two memories are inserted like this (automatically leaving a separation between the memories and what I was starting to write without having to worry about any of that). https://i.imgur.com/acnpqQK.png PS: Make sure you don't have extra boxes with empty memories. If you have them you can remove them with the delete memory button.




Okay, I see what you mean. If you want to have a blank line between memories, that is not possible unless you put all the memories in a single memory box. However, it is a minor change. For the next patch (to be released in a few hours) I can add that option, to separate the memories in narrator mode leaving a line between them (in ooc mode the format is different).


Crazy that characterai cannot be bothered to fix any actual issues with the AI and decide to pump out a £10 per month subscription to get a badge to show off you have an extra £10 a month to shill out to a soulless corporation, and instead, some random developer on the internet creates a tool 20x more useful for 20% of that price. (Also tested it on Opera GX which obviously is a chromium browser but just so you know it does work 👍)


Also, quick question, either I'm genuinely stupid/blind/a moron or it's not a feature, is there a way to hide the memory menu during conversation?


Thank you for making this, it's really nice to be able to talk to characters with an actual long term memory. And not just be a sapient goldfish. I really wish the actual developers actually worked on stuff like this that improved the user experience. I was wondering are there any plans for the extension to remember the memory logs after the page is closed? Because a few times I have either refreshed or clicked off the page without downloading the log and lot quite a bit of memory data.


Thank you for subscribing. Regarding what you say I experimented with an alternative based on cookies. But it was more dangerous and if you deleted the browser cache and cookies you lost all memories of all chats. I understand that it is annoying to have to save and load each set of memories. But for now it is the best option (although I will continue to investigate alternatives).

Sam Fachin

How did you apply this extension on Opera GX? I don't know where to click lmao

💜Mila💜 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 04:19:40 Thank you for making this <3! It's so weird that this isn't a feature in the premium version of the site ._.
2023-05-16 01:40:40 Thank you for making this <3! It's so weird that this isn't a feature in the premium version of the site ._.

Thank you for making this <3! It's so weird that this isn't a feature in the premium version of the site ._.


The installation method is the same in opera GX. Follow the same steps described in this guide, with the same url, don't worry because it says "chrome" in the url because it will work anyway. If you have more doubts don't hesitate to ask


1. After you download the extension, go to opera://extensions 2. Turn on Developer mode via the toggle on the top right 3. Press 'Load Unpacked', which should bring up file explorer 4. Find the downloaded extension file and confirm the selection. After that you should have the extension available to use

Sam Fachin

When I ctrl+c ctrl+v something to send to the AI, the memories paste as well, as if I had ctrl+c them as well. Is that normal?

Sam Fachin

Wait, like. When they appear to me as if I had ctrl+c them, I'm supposed to send it? lmao bc I've been erasing it all this time Are the memories sent like when we send messages? Bc when it's a big text, the AI usually ignores most part of it, just processing some random sentences, losing a lot of key points we tell them. (sorry if something doesn't make sense, english is not my first language)


This is not normal. This extension does not interact with the clipboard. What must have happened is that you happened to paste content just when it was time to perform an injection, then the memories will have appeared. The memories appear in the message box right now under these conditions: - In the first message with a bot if you load a file before you start typing. - In the second/third message (this is a current bug, it only happens the first time you start talking to the bot) - Once every 4 messages (the usual function) It probably coincided with pasting text when it was time to inject memories.


The text of the message, even if it is large, is not ignored by the AI. What happens is that the answer decided by the AI is not always the most appropriate one, but all the information is known to it. You can check this by swiping messages. Not always all answers are going to be good because of the character.ai AI model. But if the AI seems to have lost something, you will see that if you swipe right for new answers, it ends up giving an appropriate answer showing that it still keeps the information. (although it is rare for this to happen) Another topic is that if you delete the memories from the text box, then obviously the reminder that should be sent every 4 messages will not be sent and therefore the bot will forget things. The purpose of the extension is to send the reminders along with the message every 4 messages to keep them in the bot's memory.

Sam Fachin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 04:19:43 Thank you for your answer! &lt;3
2023-05-23 07:11:10 Thank you for your answer! <3

Thank you for your answer! <3

goten will

thank you for the quick update!


Thanks, now is the version here :D I missed it after your latest news^^. Not sure if you forgot it or if you still had to adjust it :D


I was in the process of uploading =P I always upload additional content first, then update the changelog and finally upload the version.


Ah okay. Then next time, I will wait longer :)


hi, not a huge deal but just a heads up, when i open the advanced injection settings, it looks like it cuts off at the bottom because of my screen size so something like a scroll or somehow adjusting the settings widget to automatically resize according to the window size would be amazing!


From what I'm seeing on screens below 800 vertical pixels there can be problems. What is your resolution?


I just wanna say thank you for this tool, it has been an incredible game changer and I use it every single day since I found it in 1.0.6 and have been working tirelessly to figure out how to use it as efficiently as possible, you make my life 10x easier. I will continue to support this project as long as it's running.


Thank you very much for this tool Rini! It has saved my custom bot twice from forgetting who even I am xD I got a question. Is it normal that they react to the memories evreytime I send it? Also what mode do you recommend the most? OOC, narrator or tags?


Hello Dimynyx! It is not normal for the bot to react to memories. Maybe you mean individual manual injections? Because in version 1.2.3 there was a bug with it, but in 1.2.4 it was fixed. I recommend narrator and ooc modes (personally I use ooc), but if you do it as the guide says (writing down memories after they happen) the bots should not react to the injections, not even the first time (as long as the injection is followed by a message from you, you should never send the injection alone). Can you tell me a bit about your situation (amount of memories, system you use, if you use keywords or a different recurring frequency, etc)?


For sure. Amount of memories: 30 System I use, if you mean browser: Opera GX, Windows 10. I changed the frequency with the newest update to be 9 messages instead of 4. I can send a screenshot if you want. Is like she completely forgot about what we were talking about and started talking about the memories and how grateful she is. I thought it was normal at first.


Okay, then the problem is clear. 4 messages in recurrent injection is the norm. Reducing the number increases the frequency with which you send the memories, increasing it reduces it. In 9 you inject the memories to the bot once every 9 messages giving the bot more margin to forget. This is because, let's say the bot remembers the last 500 words. If you send 1 message of 500 words, the bot won't remember anything 2 messages later. If you send 10 messages of 40 words, the bot will continue to remember (injection included). Therefore, the more memories and text your messages have, the lower the number of recurrent injections should be to send the information more often. (500 words was an example number, nobody knows how many tokens the bot remembers) Therefore, to go above 4 is to worsen memory, and to go below 4 is to improve it. In your case the bot will react to the injection because it will have already forgotten it and will be surprised by what it will consider new data. The bot will not react when it is information it already knows and therefore does not mention it if it is not relevant to the answer it should give (but it keeps it in memory).

Dimynyx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 04:19:42 Oh sweet, alright I am switching back to four then and I'll keep you updated. Thank you very much for sharing the solution and the knowledge &lt;3
2023-06-09 18:15:00 Oh sweet, alright I am switching back to four then and I'll keep you updated. Thank you very much for sharing the solution and the knowledge <3

Oh sweet, alright I am switching back to four then and I'll keep you updated. Thank you very much for sharing the solution and the knowledge <3

Brawl Leon

Can you just like, teach me how to load memories? that would be awsome


So after trying out many times, the bot somehow keep answering to the memories. I tried the 4 messages injection, I changed to Narrator mode, and none of them seem to work correctly. Edit: 4 messages injection instead of messages. To clarify.


Have you tried below 4? I recommend that you first try a copy of your memory file with fewer memories, a simple and reduced version to check if you are exceeding the maximum number of tokens that the bot can process. If this is the case you will have to reduce it below 4. Because the bot should definitely not react to the injections it remembers when they are paired with a message from you. You can also experiment with the injection + recurring system, to automatically inject topics related to those detected in your messages along with the global reminder every few messages (4 or less). More importantly though, are we talking about a single chat, or a multibot room?

Dimynyx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 04:19:42 Okay, I'll give it a try. I'll do everything you mentioned. Single chat, private bot. Most of the time she is reacting to the memories as a "fantastic story" or a "great fanfic &lt;3".
2023-06-10 15:14:37 Okay, I'll give it a try. I'll do everything you mentioned. Single chat, private bot. Most of the time she is reacting to the memories as a "fantastic story" or a "great fanfic <3".

Okay, I'll give it a try. I'll do everything you mentioned. Single chat, private bot. Most of the time she is reacting to the memories as a "fantastic story" or a "great fanfic <3".


Hello, I have a question. How do you use injections with rooms and you want only the multiple characters to RP with each other (not you)?


Thanks so much for making this! Only a third of cai+ cost but so much more worth it. / Question though, I'm sorry it's been answered elsewhere: I downloaded and installed for android and my own messages are not showing up on my end (tho bot reacts to them and the msgs show up on other platforms like chrome and cai app). Tried updating the extension and refreshing the browser, but didn't work. Pls let me know!


Oh, that's very strange, sorry for the bug. Could you show a screenshot and tell me the model of your phone?


i click on download latest version and nothing happends (i just got here and cant understand a thing. help)


Hello Barbarella, because some subscriber has filtered the private downloads from this page for now the downloads go through Discord. If you have problems downloading from Discord or you don't have Discord at all, I can send you the downloads by private message here in Patreon. Although I would recommend you to wait a few hours since now I publish the downloads every Thursday, so in a few hours there will be a new version.


God this tool is such a MUST HAVE for using cai.. I can't even imagine using cai without it anymore. :,) However I also have a request for a useful feature: Auto swiping works great, but as you know we're no longer able to edit messages once we've hit the limit of 30 swipes. And this often happens to me wenn I push the auto swipe button and go afk or tab out of cai's browser tab. So... it would be nice if we could enter the amount of replies we want to auto generate beforehand. I would love to set mine to something like '25' for example. This way I could still generate some more replies as well as editing some of them. :)


I wasn't going to write anything until I played around with it for at least a week or two, but even after just 10 messages the sudden difference in consistency and quality is absolutely insane, upon adding the 'current scenario' memory the bot is using all sorts of higher level vocabulary now to describe the setting which it never did before, and it's already (properly) referenced two events that happened at least 65+ large paragraph messages ago. Thank you, you absolute legend.


What's the button on the mobile version of it that says "NAR" when I press it it says "select text to add format" how do I use that?


If you select a portion of text first and then press "NAR," the selected text will have an asterisk at the beginning and another at the end to be sent as narration (NAR) without the need to manually write asterisks


The new update does not work on chrome or Firefox. Firefox says corrupted zip file. Chrome says errors: Cannot read properties of undefined reading style. Cannot load or save or X out of premium window with online memories with 2.1


I'm having the same problems. The text has the color I selected but the memories aren't being injected properly like it's supposed to