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Finally, It's done... I'm sorry that it took too much time to finish this illustration. I haven't done much back drawing, so I am inexperienced to make lewd and right set up for this. I can totally just draw Ina's back then put her on the bed, easy and yet so boring. But finding the right setting so that it can  emphasize her back but still have enough rooms to make lewd and background is pretty hard. A pitch black background will fit the idea but the lack of detail so I decided to extend the pic and make some custom for her dress. Ina's dress is not bad but from behind it's just too simple so that is the source of everything. Anyway, It took me another 2 days to finish the extent and make those interactions so... Here we are, July 18.

I tried my best but I am not very confident that this will satisfy you guys expectations. I can say the back nude variant is the most sexy thing I have made lately haha Anyway, I really hope you guys will like it.

Now I will need to finish a simple set for Ollie before July 24. If I can do that, the last piece will have more detail and a less tight deadline. Hope I can make it in time this month.

Thank you for supporting me !

- Hanada Yanochi




Based on the preview, this art really looks elegant, while showing the main dish. And yes, the background does merge with the character so well too. WAH-nderful. (PS: What in the name of the cosmic entities will this just show aside from her bare back? As a still fresh back connoisseur [I am making this up, that one glance changed me downhill fast, please do not smite me]) Edit: nvm, my net is still bad, I got my answers for what entails ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This looks fantastic! IDK exactly how Ina's back became a trend but I liked it a lot and I think your's is easily one of the best. Her skin looks so smooth and perfect and the subtle shadows you included like her spine really make it stand out. The background looks amazing and your choice to have it in a night setting works great! I love the way you transitioned from a flower field to a lake to a city skyline. Gorgeous illustration overall.


Haha, I'm glad that you got my idea, it's honeytrap bro ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And I am sure behind those tentacles is a number of crowbars lol Worth it ! Anyway, I was worried that it's just have only a monotone color that would make things boring but well, because it's like this that the back is emphasized. It's a hard choice though.


Thank you ! Because this angle has nothing but her back so I put extreme care when drawing it ! Thankfully it turned out alright haha. I didn't draw back that much either so it's quite a challenge. And yeah, the background cost a lot of time this time. That flower in the sky is something I have to add to fix the artblock. To be honest with that setting I didn't have any ideas how to add more detail while keeping it emphasize the back logically. Well, it's not that detailed but it's quite a hell of a drawing. I will draw something easy next to ease this bitter after taste.