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After a week resting and take a check up, I think I should go back to work now. My back pain feel better ( still itching ) but I can work just fine. I will take advice from doc and take it easy on my workpace, pretty stress back then. If you asked about my mental health, I feel pretty good now. I just worry to leave you guys without have anything for too long and that is it.

Anyway, I have just finished Haachama's linework. This final set for January's reward is pretty wild so I hope you guys would like it. Give me a few days ~ the meal is nearly done.

Thank you for staying and supporting me !

- Hanada Yanochi



Really glad to hear you're feeling a lot better, both physically and mentally. Don't hesitate to rest more if you need it!


Thank you, I will take a rest again after I finish Feb's reward. I will take it easy on this batch so I hope I can have sometime to recover 100% back.


good to hear that you're feeling better. i know too well how shitty backpain can get/be.


Thank you ! Yeah, backpain is suck, my entire spine hurt everytime so even a bit moving cause suffering.. Well, it was the past, i feel a looot better now. Glad that I can work now !