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As always, I still need to make variants for this set but It has been 10 days so I need to post the artwork first . The Reward Preview will be posted as soon as I am done around late night or tomorrow.

I want to put Gura and Ina together but the time is so limited so we have this ( I took 2 days to rest after the deadline to avoid burnout T.T). Because I want to describe them as pure and cute so pure white dress and underwear are chosen this time. That leads to the problem that the background must be detailed in order to highlight the simple character design. I only have one day for the background and there are not that much time left so I was pretty stressed and paranoid while drawing this piece. Thank god that I got no fans quitted and this background is done by this morning.

The next piece is Ina and because the time is short so I will draw her simple this time.

 After that for the last piece, I will open a poll to ask what you guys want me to do next. I almost did what you guys wanted to see most in the last poll so let's open a new one.

I am trying my best to have March's reward delivered around April 7-8th so the schedule will be back to normal in May.

Thank you for your patience and support !




This looks beautiful! Gura and Ina are so cute together! Their white dresses go very well with the flower fill background that is also very detailed. I think you did a fantistic job! Gura huge thighs is also nice to look at :3


Thank you ! It's just the angle but well, as long as you like her thigh haha. With this I am done with the main dish of this month. Now I have better be fast on the next piece ! Here we goo !!