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It  has been another 7 days so we have Mamarissa. I still need to make  expressions and variants so the set will be completed tomorrow and I  will send February's reward as soon as It's done.

I  know I'm already too late now so I made everything as simple as  possible. I even make good use of the old Rissa piece because with much  space it will take even more than 1 day and I don't want you guys to  wait more. Hope you guys don't mind about it.

Mamarissa  is a meme but I think it would be a good try since pretty much fans on  twitter ask for it. Because of that there are no official outfits so I  custom made one. The save file got corrupted in half way but luckily I  made a backup this time so I have something to post now. ( But the  palette is lost so this one is not good as the old one :( )

Recently,  many patrons left so it put a very high pressure on the progress so I  will try to make artwork faster in order to get back the schedule.

Thank you for your support !

- Hanada Yanochi




OMG! I love it! I really enjoy the variation of body type!


She looks lovely. I love the way you drew her, she has an inviting pose, and I really like the swirly patterns of her bra. It has a classy erotic feeling to it. I'm also very fond of the background. I like that you can see out the window in the back and see the light stream in further back through the other windows. Awesome composition. I am glad you had backups this time. I'm very grateful for those whenever something goes wrong, it saves us a lot of headache and heartache. Looking forward to the rest! Be well and stay strong!


Is that so ? I will consider this more in future works. Thank you !


I just hope I can have more time to render that background more but well, this is the best I can do with only one day so I am very glad that it still meets your standards. And yeah, I got lucky this time. I still feel my unluckiness still lingering but well, let's hope it will go away soon haha. Hm... maybe I will keep trying more custom outfits. Maybe more fans will like some new wind !