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There is an opening for the last day of the month, Monday 31st, if anyone is interested in having our animator work on a channel appropriate animation script. 

If interested, you can grab a slot through the $110 tier, or send us a private message if you prefer to pay our animator directly through PayPal 



To be honest, I would've grabbed it a while ago, but the main thing holding me back is actually the fact that we need to provide full scripts. I prefer giving small ideas that you bounce off of rather than coming up with everything.

A Giant Woman

OH! If you give me some small ideas, I can always expand on them for you :3 Anything you have in mind?


Honestly right now the only ideas I have can just work as monthly easy requests (just small growing stuff), but if I ever have any bigger ideas, we'll see if a slot is open and I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.

A Giant Woman

Ah, well, there is currently one open, so feel free to subscribe to the tier any time you want. I love to bounce ideas back and forth with people :)


Danizilla for me please?

A Giant Woman

Oh, Semaj actually got the slot for the 31st, but I can schedule a session for your script next month, on the 7th


That's OK I'll wait to pay for it next month Is it OK that I get the 110.00 back? 😅