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Opening things up a bit for this tier. Basically this is to protect me in case someone declines payment, which means the slot doesn't open and I'm not making the most I can with this tier. 

I will still have about 4 to 5 sessions open each month for this tier. So, if you pay and I am unable to schedule you for the month, I can refund you and you can try again next month.

This also means I can be a bit more discriminating with scripts. Basically instead of first come, first served it would be more like first approved, first served. 


1994semaj .

What about those who wants to continue with the project that's not finished yet?

Adrian Ayotte

Well just in case that i'm not one of those people who didn't pay... Did you received my money to you?

A Giant Woman

I will give them priority at the start of each month to get a scheduled session, as long as they are not adding to the existing project that was agreed to. So, I can give you priority to finish the Stella project and Too Little Too Late, but I won't be approving additional projects until those two are finished.

Adrian Ayotte

Oh good, cause i would crap my pants if i somehow did not pay you and you band me for life!😅